May 25, 2020
This course was amazing and very informative. I, now, have clear and concise knowledge about being an effective Contact Tracer, and I'm looking forward to putting my newly-attained skills to the test.
Jun 17, 2020
Awesome! I learn more than a Basic covid19, it gives me value-added, with a detailed process and how to solve the problem with your case contact. To a newcomer, why don't you try it! very recommended.
By Rosemary D
•Sep 9, 2021
course was very informative and clear .But 2 questions do not agree with the answers and they need review thanks. Qu: 6 need to sort out common symptoms as fatigue is very common and got muscle aches as a severe reaction .
Qu 17 do not agree persons should complete isolation of 14 days
Quest 39: dont agree with the current answer as should state; daughter should be able to interpret as she is trusting family member
By Jerry B
•Aug 18, 2020
The course was excellent. I was impressed with both its practical value and approach as well as its attention to enabling an understanding of the relevant concepts, legal issues and challenges associated with this critcal public health function. I am recommending it to other members of my staff. It provides a perspective and practical useful approaches that prepares us to meet the challenges of contact tracing.
By Oleva B B
•Jun 21, 2020
The course was excellent. I learned so much about contact tracing. The MSLead Instructor, Emily Gurley was engaging and encouraging. I loved the vignettes and all of the actors. The vignettes presented actual conversations that could and would happen with cases and contacts. The actors were very believable. Thank you for allowing me to take this online course through John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
By Doris G
•May 25, 2020
This course was excellent and Dr. Gurley was extremely clear and cogent. She also had a reassuring, thoughtful and direct way of explaining contract tracing concepts for Covid-19. It was one of my best learning experiences with explicit modules, relevant quizzes and the opportunity to review each lecture as often as necessary. I think the course should be required for every person involved with contact tracing.
By Gregory A
•May 24, 2020
I enjoyed taking the COVID-19 Contact Tracing course. The course was very informative, designed well, and presented in an interesting manner. Many real life examples were given to help get across the information. I learned a lot about the COVID-19 disease, the SARS-CoV-2 virus, and how contact tracing can help to reduce the number of future infections. Thank you for making this course available free of charge.
By Enayatullah o Z
•May 18, 2020
Very Professional and helpful course, I learned all the course's subjects for my self, my family and for protecting all my people and communities from effecting to the COVID19, using the course lessons can help to stop spreading of the virus.
Since i completed the course for free, but I have to buy the Certificate of completion on $49, hope the Johns Hopkins University send me my completion certificate for free too
By Ken S
•Jul 31, 2020
As a Pharmacist this was the best course that I have ever taken as it will save lives. Our company mentors and trains Pharmacists, PharmDs and Students of Pharmacy on testing and tracing and we would like to offer this course to them. We work with colleges of pharmacy and universities nationwide and connect with thousands of Alumni and new grads who we want to become tracers. 516 817-7410 www.rxvipconcierge.com
By virginia w
•Jun 20, 2020
The COVID-19 course is student friendly. The course format features notes, easy review, videos, and reading. Dr. Emily Gurley presents the information in simple language with great explanations. The length of the course is great, and can be completed well within the time frame((s). The review feature is great. Anyone wanting to learn about the virus and contact tracing can learn all about it with this course.
By Amanda G
•Jun 3, 2020
Being in healthcare already, it was very easy to follow the detailed information regarding the disease and testing available. The instruction on conact tracing was extremely helpful in understanding what it is exactly and how it benefits the public, making it easy for me to convey that to people with whom I will be speaking. Upon completing the course, I feel confident that I will be able to perform successfully.
By Cecilia V
•May 31, 2020
This was an excellent introductory course. Though the material was clearly presented in slides. When needed, a video was used to convey examples of contact tracing scenarios. The mixed-use of slides and video was well-balanced and helped bring necessary points across for each module. I would highly recommend anyone interested in this topic or planning to apply for a job as a contact tracer take this course first.
By Lynn B W
•May 25, 2020
This is a video-based course presenting basic information on Contract Tracing in the time of COVID-19- well organized and incorporating useful video examples of engaging cases/contacts. This course is more detailed than the ASTHO (Association of States and Territorial Health Officials) online course for Contact Tracing, and they companion very nicely to reinforce key points and to meet a range of learning styles.
By Rachel W
•May 25, 2020
This class is an excellent introduction to contact tracing! I took this course out of personal curiosity, in order to learn more about contact tracing. The teacher is very clear and concise, the slides are excellent, and the video examples are very helpful. I would definitely recommend this class to anyone who is interested in working as a contact tracer or who is simply interested in learning about the process.
By Teresa J D
•May 24, 2020
The course breaks down the essential information needed to successfully work as a contract tracer. This includes an accurate definition of COVID-19 and its symptoms; infectious period; rapport-building and fact-finding for effective tracing from case to contacts; utilization of isolation and quarantine to lessen the spread. I highly recommend for anyone wanting accurate, up-to-date information about this virus.
By Jacqueline P D
•May 21, 2020
This is an excellent course. It is very detailed and tries to cover almost every scenario. It gives you instruction from the beginning to the end, from your first initial contact to the followup calls. Its realistic in that it lets you know that some calls will be difficult and that the information regarding this pandemic is constantly changing so you will have to adapt to your local protocols. Very informative.
By Ravindra M
•Aug 9, 2020
The course is clear and concise in its approach to dealing with the contact tracing. At the same time the importance of contact tracing and its impact in slowing down the spread of the disease has been underlined. Methods of dealing with the patients and gaining information from them has been dealt with in a very clear manner. A good course for those who would like to help in arresting the spread of the disease.
By Onika W
•Jul 6, 2020
This course has been an amazing learning experience. Extremely informational an easy to follow through, the course truly kept my interest in learning. It was well put together thank you to everyone involved in giving me this opportunity to learn and be of some value to our society in these unprecedented times. Again thank you to Mayor Bloomberg, John Hopkins University, Dr Emily Gurley for making this possible.
By Tracy R
•Jun 8, 2020
This course was extremely informative, well organized, and easy to understand. Not only does it provide clear facts, but it also provides excellent examples and practices to follow. The course also showed me that the process of contact tracing is anything but "simple," but with the right training and practice, it can be done well and is an essential service to helping prevent the spread of infectious diseases.
By Laura M D
•May 25, 2020
Great information for anyone working on the front lines today. It is knowledge that is practical and will help mitigate in your own life, as well as on the job. As a recent graduate (currently working), I am adding this to my skill set of continuing education to keep my skills sharp. The information was presented in a medium that allowed me to take it in small bites through the day as I worked on other projects.
By Amanda B
•May 15, 2020
This course covered the basics of SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 and the history, importance, and ethics of contact tracing. I was easy to understand and the self-check quizzes helped me realize what parts I hadn't quite understood. The best part were the tools for navigating talking with people. I especially liked the complex scenarios that were presented as well as community specific needs such as language barriers.
By Mylyn R V
•May 13, 2020
I feel this was very informative. The instructor spoke clearly and pleasantly. The information was detailed. I found it very helpful to have the audio as well as the transcript, to understand the material more efficiently. Being able to take the course at home was essential to my schedule and family's needs. I would definitely recommend this course to anyone looking to pursue employment as a COVID-19 tracer
By Devin J
•Nov 24, 2020
I feel like I learned personal skills while attending this course. It helped me understand different ways and approaches for a customer service aspect because that is wheat my civilian job does. Not only did it help me with that, but i feel that it was a very solid stepping stone in being able to help me with my job and understand how i can provide tools to those who are going thru a tough time case or contact!
By Mariam N
•Oct 3, 2020
This has been a well elaborate course to Covid-19 contact tracing, made easy o understand with examples to make it easier to comprehend. At the beginning of this course, I noticed that despite the reading I had done on COVID I had some knowledge gap that has been bridged by this course and I started using the knowledge right away. It is a helpful piece of work in the fighting of this pandemic.
Thanks, Dr. Emilly
By 01 P M J
•Nov 3, 2020
Thank you very much for this very informative tool of helping and educating people on how to manage the Covid 19 pandemic. Your immense concern for humanity in giving this knowledge for free will benefit us a lot worldwide in controlling the spread of the virus. Likewise, most especially for us, as members of the first responder here (Policemen and women) in the Philippines. God bless you and your team. - Jean
By Renna S
•Sep 12, 2020
This is a lot helpful to everyone who wants to be a contact tracers because this program gives you a lot of knowledge how to communicate , what are the right terms you need when you talk to contacts and also it's easy and very enjoyable thank you for giving me a chance to learn and I will do my best to help others by giving the right information to them and also to help them to survive in this time of pandemic
By Cara R
•Jun 27, 2020
I'm better informed about the virus, when it is time to quarantine and how long , the infection timeline and quarantine time line. Communicating to cases was new but not hard to learn. I recommend this class because it is very clear to understand. None of the quizzes are difficult to pass. It was created for you to pass, even if you fail you can review what you did wrong look it up quickly and retake the quiz.