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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Powerful Tools for Teaching and Learning: Web 2.0 Tools by University of Houston

181 ratings

About the Course

In this course you will learn about a wide variety of Web 2.0 tools to use in your teaching and learning. Web 2.0 tools provide innovative ways to communicate, present content, and collaborate with others in creative ways. Web 2.0 tools are easy to learn, use, and implement, and many are free. This course will not only introduce you to popular Web 2.0 tools like Edmodo, Twitter, Voicethread, and Skype in K-16 instruction, but you will also learn how to effectively integrate these technologies into your classroom practices and create engaging student activities....

Top reviews


Nov 3, 2016

This course has shown me new way to achieve what I have been struggling for months. It also give me methodology to improve myself and my teaching methods.


Jul 2, 2023

Its a very informative and wonderful course..I have learned alot through this course. A big thank you to the course instructor and Coursera....

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1 - 25 of 55 Reviews for Powerful Tools for Teaching and Learning: Web 2.0 Tools

By Banke O

Dec 23, 2019

This course is an eye opener to merging technology with education. I have discovered quite a number of useful tools

By Tan S T

Mar 6, 2017

It is a well structured course with excellent contents for the beginner to learn and share knowledge of EduTech.

By Myriam

Sep 14, 2017

Sorprendentemente me ha parecido un curso bastante flojo. Versa sobre herramientas potentes para la enseñanza y, contrariamente, utiliza herramientas y una tecnología que ya están muy obsoletas. Me ha extrañado que no haya sido verificado por Coursera, pues he hecho en esta plataforma un par de cursos de una calidad excelente.

By Sharif B A

Feb 20, 2019

A really informative course in regards of technology that could be used in class and assisting it to be more creative and participative.

By Joan

Nov 3, 2016

As a course on Web 2.0 Tools, I would suggest that the course also uses web 2.0 tools to engage the participants. It will give us hands on experience as a learner on how the tools can engage us.

By Zainudin B M

May 17, 2020

A very enriching and informative course that is greatly helpful in my future training modules.

By anitha

Feb 18, 2020

excellent course looking for more such courses

By Dr S C R

May 28, 2020

Got very good exposure about the web tools.

By Darlene A W

Aug 20, 2020

This is great course for educators that are starting their online educational journey. This course can help leverage your Web 2.0 skill sets and collaborative tools knowledge for class instruction, student engagement and educational collaboration with your peers. There is some outdated information however this is still a valuable course to take.

By Freddie C

Oct 18, 2016

The course's online learning platform was convenient and easy to follow. The pace that the course goes at was ideal and the allowance to go ahead with later week's assignments was a good move - as it catered to my availability so i could finish the later week's assignment before i get busier with work and studies in the later part of the month.

By Abir J

Feb 2, 2021

Excellent and engaging content and delivery. It is a course that is very relevant and has many practical applications to instructors. The reason for the 4 star rating is that some of the recommended tools are no longer working as of 2016. A course on web 2 tools needs to be updated more regularly.

By Alaa E

Jul 10, 2020

Great course. It opened my eyes and mind to new tools. But what was really great was the discussions where many people participated and provided helpful information and advice.

By Kristi T

Jan 28, 2023

Outdated. Many of the links don't work or the websites/platforms no longer exist.

By Ayesha G

Oct 17, 2023

I have learned so much over a short span of time. The activities that includes searching and reviewing tools are really helpful especially in my educational technology subject. I definitely am more equipped now and ready to face other challenges that comes in a teaching career. Thank you Coursera for the opportunity. I will never forget this.

By Nur'ain A

Nov 1, 2016

I have learned many new tools that I never knew existed. These tools are useful and relevant as we are in the IT-Age and moving into "Future Ready Schools"-format of teaching and learning. The tools will definitely be ignite interest to, not only students, but to teachers as well!

By Kevin M

Mar 15, 2021

A wonderful, easy to follow, and extremely pertinent course. I have taken plenty notes and have found at least a handful of opportunities where I have already used what I have learned in this course. I will definitely recommend it to others looking for professional development.

By Ligeia V

Oct 30, 2016

An excellent, well constructed course with clearly defined objectives. I learnt so much and thoroughly enjoyed the course. I have taken another course from the same department at University of Houston and I honestly can't sing the praises of this department loudly enough!

By Rosalind A

Sep 26, 2017

Excellent course. I learnt about how WEB 2.0 tools can be employed and manipulated to better engage learners and enhance lessons. I also tried out the tools and read how other educators used tools in their classroom. Kudos to the team!

By Sandra G

Dec 22, 2016

Hello! I´d like to let you know that I´m making the most of this course! SInce this is a two -way road I´m going to apply the resources and tools in class. I´ll let you know.

Thank you so much!


Sandra Goronas


By mariyah s

Aug 18, 2018


This course has been really helpful. I got to learn about so many ways to make the class, assignments interactive. Web 2.0 tool is a very good way to help students participate willingly and get the best results.

By mezo z

May 23, 2024

كما ذكرنا ضرورة و أهمية مواكبة طرق التعلم الحديثة و التي بدورها تجعل العملية التعليمية أكثر متعة و إثارة و شغف للتعلم و الحرص على التحصيل الدراسي او المعرفي عامة


Mar 9, 2019

This course gave very helpful information and skills in our daily life as student and as teacher.

Every videos, reading materials and quizzes were so good.

By A R M

Nov 4, 2016

This course has shown me new way to achieve what I have been struggling for months. It also give me methodology to improve myself and my teaching methods.

By Durriya H

Jul 3, 2023

Its a very informative and wonderful course..I have learned alot through this course. A big thank you to the course instructor and Coursera....

By Roberto S

Feb 10, 2018

Um curso muito útil não só para educadores, mad para todos que precisam lidar com colaboração e comunicação nossa seus processos.