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Learner Reviews & Feedback for HTML, CSS, and Javascript for Web Developers by Johns Hopkins University

16,181 ratings

About the Course

Do you realize that the only functionality of a web application that the user directly interacts with is through the web page? Implement it poorly and, to the user, the server-side becomes irrelevant! Today’s user expects a lot out of the web page: it has to load fast, expose the desired service, and be comfortable to view on all devices: from a desktop computers to tablets and mobile phones. In this course, we will learn the basic tools that every web page coder needs to know. We will start from the ground up by learning how to implement modern web pages with HTML and CSS. We will then advance to learning how to code our pages such that its components rearrange and resize themselves automatically based on the size of the user’s screen. You’ll be able to code up a web page that will be just as useful on a mobile phone as on a desktop computer. No “pinch and zoom” required! Last but certainly not least, we will get a thorough introduction to the most ubiquitous, popular, and incredibly powerful language of the web: Javascript. Using Javascript, you will be able to build a fully functional web application that utilizes Ajax to expose server-side functionality and data to the end user....

Top reviews


Jun 10, 2020

Actually the best online course i hv ever learnt,especially the professor yaakov is quiet outstanding.And a field trip in a online course sounds rare and good!!Thank You Coursera and yakkov for this!!


Aug 19, 2023

A very detailed and comprehensive course with lots of skills to acquire and knowledge to gain. I would recommend it to every person since web development is skill with lots of demand in global market.

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451 - 475 of 5,661 Reviews for HTML, CSS, and Javascript for Web Developers

By Learn M w S S

Jan 28, 2023

It would be injustice if I dont say a word of appreciation for the tremendous efforts behind this course. Before starting this course, I had very little knowledge about Web Development. This course has enabled me to pursue my career in this field. I am hoping to start my next course soon. I highly recommend this course to all the people who have passion for coding together with never-ending curiosity. You will not regret this - I bet you.

By Владислав

Jun 24, 2016

As far as I've just finished the second module - I'm amazed!

The mentor is great, the information is awesome, the practical part is helpful and useful... I'm very glad I've enrolled to the course.

And even though I'm a TOTAL beginner at web design, I started to understand what it is all about and how it works.

I build up fresh plans for my life using the new possobilities I well learn at the course.

Thank you very much.

I really enjoy it))

By Yash S

Jun 6, 2016

Incredible! Not only does this course teach you how to develop a webpage in detail but it makes it so much more fun and convenient to understand all the codes. Thanks to the professor a million times for this course! Even though I've just passed my 12th grade I'm not having any problems learning or understanding this and trust me, I'm not a topper. I'm an average student but this course was exceptionally easy to understand! Thank you!

By Pongsasin S

Nov 23, 2020

Every aspect of this course is done greatly. You could learn a lot from instructor Yaakov Chaikin, by followed well-prepared learning materials in this course. Not only he explains to you step by step how it works, but also the reason and why we need to do this way. This will give you a vision to understanding the root behind technique and knowledge from experts developer. That you could apply to the more complex task after learning.

By Candice M

Aug 10, 2020

This was a great course! HTML and CSS modules were very in-depth and I used this class to enhance skills I already have a foundation in. I struggled to keep up with JS, but it's been many years since I learned a programming language (C# and Java in college). I purchased the recommended books - Web Design with HTML, CSS, JavaScript and jQuery Set by Jon Duckett and plan to go through those as well. Thank you for creating this course!

By Hania B

Feb 28, 2016

I have learned the HTML and CSS before but the way you have taught this course makes me believe that this is the perfect course to get started with if you want to be a professional developer. This course has been a motivation to me and now I am enrolled into the another course (Single Page Applications with AngularJS ) by the same instructor. I am also planning to take more courses on coursera now.

Thanks for such a great course!

By Divyansh B

Jan 31, 2017

Hello John,

Thanks for your help I gain a lot from this module being a graduate in electronics it is very difficult to survive in core IT industry on software side you really me help me in this I am still searching a new opportunity and will sure I will get it soon once thanks a lot one thing I would like to suggest you if you can start some course for testing tools also that would be really great

Thanks and Regards,

Divyansh Bhatnagar

By Jason S

Aug 25, 2019

Just completed module 1 (will update this review as I continue). If the rest of the modules are similar - and I am going to assume they are - this is a FANTASTIC course. Very well structured, with great explanations and step-by-step instructions on what to do, why to do it, and overall it's informative and fun. I can't wait to continue through the rest of the course and to check out Yaakov's other courses after completing this one!

By Pietro T

Mar 26, 2023

Il corso è stato molto utile per me, mi ha consentito di apprendere il paradigma di programmazione web asincrona con Ajax e con l'uso del templating basato su JavaScript, non affrontato all'università. Oltre ad avermi aiutato a mettere in pratica le fondamenta di HTML e soprattutto JavaScript e CSS (acquisite di recente), in un progetto vero e proprio. Le lezioni e i video sono ben spiegati. Tutto il codice è reperibile su GitHub.

By Elena B

Mar 10, 2016

This course, although it takes only four weeks, provided me with knowledge of concepts that are key to understanding, for example, css and js classes. I did several courses on html5/css/js before, but never heard about some core things explained here, and only now I start getting the global picture. With that knowledge, the further details are easy to look up in documentation. Thank you for choosing this approach and keep that on!

By Joseph M

Aug 9, 2016

This is one of the excellent courses I've ever taken online. The professor is very professional and articulates amazingly the concepts living no room for dozing or re-running the lecture videos. I really loved the road trip to the client who wanted their website designed, and it really gave insights on how to go about the process from Mock-ups sketching, Client Interaction up to the Actual Design. Kudos and A+++ for the course.

By Julei Y

Feb 25, 2017

Great course. The instructor is able to simplify complicated stuff, grasp, focus on teaching core concepts of latest html, css, and javascript functions through using real example/application. This helps me as student to quickly understand the technologies and apply them without spending too much time or losing focus in every details. The exercise and assignment is very helpful to measure what we learned and how to apply them.


Jun 9, 2020

This lockdown gives so much time to spent it to enhanced my skill and help me to go one step near to my goal.During this course and developing of this project I explore new ideas and functionality behind the working of any website.

I have learnt a lot during this project and liked the improvement in my skills and deep concept related to these kind of project.


By Roman

Feb 16, 2021

All-round excellent introduction to HTML, CSS, and JS! Even though I have been working with those programming languages for years I was still able to learn a few new tricks and improve my general understanding of the underlying technologies. The presenter Jakoov also managed to make these topics extremely fun and easy to learn. I would highly recommend this course to anyone interested in getting started with web engineering.

By Ranjan G

Jun 25, 2020

The course covers every topic in deep and also offers challenging but interesting and unique content. The field trip made me involve deeply in the course. The course uncovers some of the less known stuff out there, example, the CSS Zen Garden. The best part about the course is that the instructor actually worked on a real world business case and by the end of the course, the complete website was published. Thank you so much!

By Tejas K

Jun 30, 2020

It has been such a great time learning the course. All of my concepts and doubts are clear by the FAQ sites provided.

Prof. Yakoob is really a great teacher and his teaching skills is really good, you can just understand things the way he explains it.

It was really a great journey.

Thank you so much Prof. Yakoob and Coursera for such a great course and experience. I'm really looking forward about developing website real soon.

By James B

Apr 9, 2020

This is a great course, detailed, well organized, and fun, and Yaakov is a great instructor. As always, coming into a course with some experience is better than none, but even without any knowledge coming in is ok if you watch all the lectures and read the supplementary books as needed. Completing this course can bring you along the path to web development expertise quick. I highly recommend this course and instructor!

By Melanie H

Nov 8, 2016

I signed up to audit this course, but ended up enrolling in the specialization because this course is so phenomenal! Great coverage of topics and very well explained. Assignments are relevant to the course content and I also liked that I could download the whole course from one repo instead of having to download each module's the little things! I highly recommend this course; you will not be disappointed!

By Anush M N

Jul 27, 2020

The course was extremely informative and fun at the same time as I got to develop my own website by the end of the course.

Towards the end of the course, especially module 5 picked up too many concepts that were explained in a very short time. This made it a bit difficult for me as I did not take up the entire specialization.

Overall, It's an amazing course. I suggest people looking to learn web development take it up.

By Uriel A R L

Aug 10, 2016

Very useful, complete, clear and awesome course. The tutor explain not only what you need to know about web development but also what you need to know when using this skills in the real world interacting with clients. I absolutely will recommend this course and be forever grateful with it. I encourage you, who is reading this, to sign to the course! Especially if you have interest in the informatics and coding topics!

By edmond m

Mar 17, 2016

One of the best courses I must say. Yaakov Chaikin, a name that I have become familiar, since he coded so much, was absolutely phenomenal. I wish I was at JH, taking a class right now from him, or consulting with him. He was very thorough and did an incredible job. This course is great for people who want to delve deep into CSS and JS, and AJAX. I want to take more classes in AJAX now I have learned the fundamentals.

By Dilan R

May 17, 2022

Many thanks to the creators of this course! I was able to learn so much and fill in so many gaps. Mr. Yaakov's teaching style is really good and I enjoyed all the lectures and got a solid foundation for front-end development. If anyone's looking for a great starting point for front-end development, I can recommend this course without a doubt. Once again, many thanks to Mr. Yaakov and all the creators of this course.

By Kamath D V

Nov 24, 2020

This is one of the best course present on Coursera which i would suggest to any Beginner. The specialty of this course is that we can get a proper understanding of every Essential Web Developing Technology and also, assignments are one of the best way to check our Understanding. Overall, i loved this course and time with mentor (Yakkov) and I hope it gets updated with new content Soon! All the best.

-Devesh V. Kamath

By Pantelis D

Aug 8, 2016

This course has been very insctructive and great motivation to look further into Git, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap and Javascript. It's the backbone of web development meaning the best place to start from but also that it cant possibly cover everything. I found that w3schools and an online git tutorial of the quite a few out there, perfectly complete this course. A big thank you! to all the people that put effort into this.

By Philipp B

Jul 26, 2021

Really good course that helped me understand the fundamentals of web dev. Also the tasks are great to apply the theory and forces yourself to actually understand the matter. Be aware though that the course is quite old and much is outdated (e.g Bootstraps is now at Gen 5 and uses flexbox). However this also has the advantage that you learn the languages from its roots and learning the new stuff is now much easier.