Mar 29, 2019
Eventhough this isn't something I want to particularly do in the future I would like to say that I have enjoyed learning about composite indicators. I would highly recommend this MOOC to anyone.
Jun 14, 2020
I enjoyed the course because it showed the methodology of different composite indicators in use, and the experts in them exposed the motivation of its origin and its evolution. Thank you!
By Charul S
•Sep 5, 2020
The course is very well structured and the information it provides in the introductory part are extremely educational, but at times it gets difficult to understand the accent of the instructors. You have to pause the video again and again to repeat or read what the instructors have just said. Some of the instructors are really boring, but others like the HDI instructor, Jaya's lectures were very good in quality. The questions within lectures are not properly organised, they ask you questions about topics you're yet to learn. The concept and structure of the MOOC is excellent but delivery and instructors are not that good. It exhaustive and the difficult concepts of statistics are not explained properly which make it a little disappointing. Otherwise it's a good course that provides basic level information about composite indicator construction. I learnt alot about CI construction from the course.
By Liliana F D V A
•Apr 6, 2019
This is definitely a great course to acquire a real grasp of the methodology required for the construction of composite indices!
The multiple examples provided in the different modules were definitely eye openers to the wide array of composite indices that are being used world wide. An element I felt missing though was a deeper explanation of the robustness tests each organization developed to chose their final indices.
I believe a great follow up for this course would be the design of a specialization program with multiple courses that could go deeper into the technical aspects of the construction of composite indices (aggregation, elasticity, weights, and robustness tests) through a hands-on approach and a Capstone project in which students could apply all their knowledge for the proper construction of a composite index.
By Francisco N
•Apr 20, 2020
It would be good to add a computational exercise to estimate a composite indicator.
By elabayi
•Nov 1, 2020
I am completely satisfied of this course! I have appreciated the approach of exploring the theoritical framework before the design of a composite index as well as the modules on aggregation technics that I've always considered as a black box. The empirical examples of indices created by international institutions were very enlightening in terms of comprehension of the context, limits and perspectives of the usage of CI. I will be more confortable in questioning or even designing CI in the future. So thanks to the team of this course, especially to Mr Sperlich, Mr Rodriguez Poo and Mrs Krishnakumar!
By Vianney B B E M
•May 27, 2019
Ce cours m'a permis de comprendre la théorie et les méthodes utilisées pour élaborer les indices composites qui, jusque là , étaient des "boites noires". J'ai pu en saisir toute la richesse analytique. Je me réjouis d'utiliser et de partager les acquis de ce cours avec toutes les personnes partageant les mêmes préoccupations : rendre intelligible une grande quantité d'informations en les synthétisant en une grandeur explicite, informative. Je recommande vivement le suivi de ce cours.
By Xenia G M C
•Jun 30, 2020
The course was pretty useful and interesting as it provided the pros and shortcomings of composite indices in a theoretical and practical way. As well, the last modules with different recognized examples of these indices -such as Globalization, Trade and Human Development Index- were a super plus as it was a real contact with empirical data after all the theory learnt throughout the course. Highly recommended.
By Stellios S
•Jul 29, 2018
With CIs everywhere, this is a nice course for a wider audience to get an understanding of how they get constructed and matters that have to be taken into account while doing so. Plenty of use-cases about well-known indices and presentations from people involved in their creation. If you are working with data, it is highly likely that you may come up with ideas in the end!
By Ana G
•Jan 23, 2021
Exciting and worthwhile course. It covers from the basics to very useful examples of composite indices. It has surprised me pleasantly. Congratulations to the organizers for the structure and content selection. I really appreciate the interviews.
To say that the last quizzes include some questions too specific and sometimes difficult to understand.
•Sep 7, 2021
This course gives us a clear idea about the working of indices in the world today. People having an interest towards understanding the concepts of indexes will be even able to create one after doing the course. The videos were very clear and gave a lot of conceptual clarity.
By Mohamed A M J
•Mar 30, 2019
Eventhough this isn't something I want to particularly do in the future I would like to say that I have enjoyed learning about composite indicators. I would highly recommend this MOOC to anyone.
By Aizailadema A A
•Jun 15, 2020
I enjoyed the course because it showed the methodology of different composite indicators in use, and the experts in them exposed the motivation of its origin and its evolution. Thank you!
By Saad N
•Oct 9, 2019
Well structured course with many popular examples. I was looking for such course for a long time and this course really satisfies my needs.
•Jun 16, 2020
It is a good platform to study about complex indices in statistics.I really enjoyed this.
By José L V P
•May 1, 2019
Ha sido un curso genial. Realmente didáctico y formal.
By Mona A A
•Jun 28, 2020
By Evelyn C
•Sep 4, 2020
Very good course to get a general understanding of composite indicators. I enjoyed the fact that users do not need a strong statistical background to be able to understand the explanations. However, they also provided further technical details for those interested in the statistical part. The users' perspective was very interesting and offered good ideas for research based on the studied indexes.
By Igor C
•Oct 31, 2019
The support material, especially in the two first weeks, could be simplified (eg, the powerpoints could be presented in another format, reducing the dozens of pages by at least a half).
By Michael B
•Apr 12, 2021
This is a decent introductory course on composite indicators. Its greatest strength, in my view, are the modules that present existing indices which give one different practical views on rationales, computations, analyses, and so on. I particularly enjoyed the final module on the HDI presented by Prof. Krishnakumar, which starts off by reviewing the theory of CIs in the context of the HDI. Personally, I'd put this module right after the theory modules of week 2.
I found the theory modules of week 2 to be the weakest part of the course. The OECD-JRC handbook does a better job of explaining the steps for constructing CIs - be it at an introductory or a more advanced level. I was also surprised that there was no discussion on how to treat outliers (unless I missed it).
By Subhan A
•Dec 6, 2021
I could have made better by telling how to calculate indices by doing some practical work