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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Gen AI Foundational Models for NLP & Language Understanding by IBM

77 ratings

About the Course

This IBM course will teach you how to implement, train, and evaluate generative AI models for natural language processing (NLP). The course will help you acquire knowledge of NLP applications including document classification, language modeling, language translation, and fundamentals for building small and large language models. You will learn about converting words to features. You will understand one-hot encoding, bag-of-words, embedding, and embedding bags. You also will learn how Word2Vec embedding models are used for feature representation in text data. You will implement these capabilities using PyTorch. The course will teach you how to build, train, and optimize neural networks for document categorization. In addition, you will learn about the N-gram language model and sequence-to-sequence models. This course will help you evaluate the quality of generated text using metrics, such as BLEU. You will practice what you learn using Hands-on Labs and perform tasks such as implementing document classification using torchtext in PyTorch. You will gain the skills to build and train a simple language model with a neural network to generate text and integrate pre-trained embedding models, such as word2vec, for text analysis and classification. In addition, you will apply your new skills to develop sequence-to-sequence models in PyTorch and perform tasks such as language translation....
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1 - 16 of 16 Reviews for Gen AI Foundational Models for NLP & Language Understanding

By Daniel H


Nov 2, 2024

I think the videos were bad for a number of reasons: - there was an odd amount of explanation of what neural networks are. you should assume by this point we know what a neural network is. - the videos were very bad at explaining concepts. I think longer videos that explain more clearly what the object are would serve this course well - the explanation of what an RNN in was awful. - i thought the explanation of embeddings layers was awful. - in the word2vec lab, the visualization in the plane in the lab doesn't match up with your explanation underneath at all. - you hardly explain the mathematics behind everything (fine, this is not a math class) but then blow through the coding implementation. please choose one or the other and explain more. To reiterate, I think these topics are far too subtle to compress into 2 minute video, and you should provide references for further reading. This was far and away the worst of the AI engineering stream.

By Francisco L G


Dec 9, 2024

This is an extremely un-educational course and a hugely frustrating experience. It is fundamentally a voice going through whatever appears on a series of slide stacks just like a robot would. There is no effort to make you understand anything and no actual time to do it while you hear the voice running through the text. The only practical way to acquire the knowledge contained in the slides is to stop every 30 seconds, read, look up somewhere else (google, forums...) to actually consolidate the knowledge, and then click the play button again. I am a proficient and quick learner and have a good background on neural networks and gen-ai use and programming and I was completely incapable of following the explanations given in this course after the first 5 minutes: boring, robotic, ineffectual, and very counter-productive. This has been a very frustrating experience from a learner's perspective and my advice would be to take this course out and rethink it from scratch, as it certainly does not serve its purpose at all. I left one star because the knowledge is actually there in the slides. The information is contained in the slides, it is simply never actually conveyed to the audience by the reading robotic entity in charge.

By Harish M


Nov 29, 2024

the lab code is buggy. You face issues with almost every cell. Some core concepts on which entire module relies itself are outdated or are deprecated. For eg torchtext was deprecated in 2023. What is the point of teaching it in 2024. Extremely disappointed with IBM...



Nov 3, 2024

Very clear introduction of the NLP with hands-on exercises

By Twisha


Oct 21, 2024

Short and precise course with good explanation.

By Ana A B


Dec 11, 2024

it's a great course with awesome subjects.

By Haroon


Oct 21, 2024

excellent course

By Nikesh K


Oct 21, 2024

Great Course

By Dean D


Mar 4, 2025

The course content was good and thorough (in fact so much infromation that I had to slow down the audio speed to sponge it all in) The lab however was catastrophical. Dependencies deprecated, Jupyter Kernal crashing and freezing. It was close to impossible to use. I would advice using another platform (pycharm professional is my choice of poison) for the handson, instead of using the IBM platform - just copy and paste the code (after having replace the deprecated calls to libraries, etc)

By Josh U


Jan 11, 2025

Course was good overall, but I felt that they layout wasn't quite right. In a given module all of the lectures occur followed by the labs. As a result much of the material ran together in my head before actually got the hands-on opportunity. A better layout may have been to do the lectures on a given topic, then the related lab. Before moving on to the next topic.

By raul v r


Oct 4, 2024

Documentation is often one of the weak points of IBM´s courses. Great content, but documentation is not friendly-printable or is missed [slides!]. On the other hand, I´m thankful for allowing us to download of the course videos.

By Tammam M (


Feb 1, 2025

the material is topnotch but the delivery is a bit fast I would rather it was slower

By Gorana B


Nov 15, 2024

3* because of the videos and materials. if it would be only about labs it would be 4*. Video materials could be much more than slides and AI generated speech. Even with prior theoretical knowledge, videos were confusing to me. It seemed like there were some explanations missing, or glue between the slides and subtopics. And this was especially present in the Module 2. I strongly suggest to either go through deep learning and/or NLP courses by or to try to find their or someone else's videos on YouTube. In that context, course could have been complemented with more materials for theoretical concepts. IBM courses so far are lacking good theoretical base and explanations. Labs were good and can be even better if for module 2 connection between encoder and decoder was visually better explained (e.g. more gifs).

By Muhammad A k


Jan 3, 2025

The content is good but its very difficult to understand as its not for the beginners. Explanation part is very limited and labs are very detailed making it difficult to understand.

By Arash Y


Feb 26, 2025

Ich hoffe ich falle nicht in Ungnade aber der Kurs war Total Scheisse im Gegensatz zu den Kursen zuvor ... ich finde viel besser wenn man Praxis Übungen abgeben muss als diese verdammte Führerschein Prüfung Trockenere Theorie hätte mich zu Beef Jerky verwandelt... ich wollte nur dezent mitteilen ich habe jede Sekunde gehasst und was kann man nach dem Kurs ??? Wenn die Kollegen die eigene Programmierungen Korrigieren sieht man wer was gelernt hat ... und wisst ihr wie Cool man sich fühlt wenn man das Model zum laufen gebracht hat? Klar ist ja euer Job das zu wissen oder? LLM war das was ich am meisten wissen wollte weil die Schwierigkeiten beim Programmieren auftreten und es einfach umfangreicher ist...ich benutze das Labor nicht weil es bei Colab besser funktioniert und es ist viel einfacher zusätzliche Funktionen zu den die ihr im Kurs fordert zu schreiben... ich habe jede Praktische Aufgabe mit zusätzlichen Programmierungen ergänzt... z.b. habe ich keine GPU weil alle fürs Krypto Mining laufen müssen also schreibe ich es um auf CPU und viel mehr .... Im Grossen und ganzen finde ich es aber erstklassig von euch zu lernen ... Liebe Grüsse ich hoffe ihr seid nicht beleidigt ich bin sonst immer ein netter Kerl aber der Kurs war wirklich nicht mein Ding. Mein eigentliches Problem ist das in meinem Bauernland Schweiz kaum einer K.I. benötigt ausser IBM oder Microsoft etc. ich weis nicht wo ich das anwenden kann praktisch und wie ich Berge oder Kühe auf dem Feld mit K.I ergänze hab ich mir noch nicht einfallen lassen .... lasst es euch gut gehen liebe Grüsse Arash