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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Copyright for Educators & Librarians by Duke University

587 ratings

About the Course

Fear and uncertainty about copyright law often plagues educators and sometimes prevents creative teaching. This course is a professional development opportunity designed to provide a basic introduction to US copyright law and to empower teachers and librarians at all grade levels. Course participants will discover that the law is designed to help educators and librarians....

Top reviews


Nov 11, 2016

Very informative course presented by knowledgeable instructors. Gained a greater appreciation for the pros and cons of copyright, in addition to a respect for the complexity and nuance in this area.


Apr 13, 2018

I wish I had taken this course at the very beginning of my graduate studies. I learned so much that would have been useful during my long journey from graduate student, to professor, to archivist.

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1 - 25 of 191 Reviews for Copyright for Educators & Librarians

By Kathleen W


Sep 16, 2019

This was a very helpful and thorough refresher of the copyright class I took while earning my masters in library and information science several years ago. I wanted to make sure I could act as a copyright go-to for the teachers in my school and taking this course helped me feel like I had renewed my knowledge and allowed me to refamiliarize myself with some excellent copyright info resources. I enjoyed the conversational style of lecturing and each of the professors who brought their own experiences, stories, and expertise to the course. I highly recommend this course!

By Kimberly A O S


Feb 7, 2018

The way the course was delivered, exceptional! Set of examples on the important details have been a very powerful tool to further understand the concept.

By Alice N


Mar 17, 2020

I think it's amazing to learn from three copyright lawyers from three different universities from my home! I was very happy with the informative videos, and getting to see them with their respective coffee mugs was pleasant.

The last test was a doozy. I learned very valuable information in this class.

I did most of the reading using a computer rather than my phone, as they present large files, and ask you to read this chapter, or these sections of it.

I felt the need to be at a computer for the last test so that I could refer to the story the questions were based upon and the framework for making determinations. I don't have a printer at home, so did not just print those off for reference.

I'm super proud of these three people. I'm glad you put this together!

By Catherine T


Jun 12, 2016

This course helped me better understand the complexity of copyright. The teachers gave many useful examples and scenarios to clarify the frameworks and concepts of copyright. The course is well organized into manageable sections. The video lectures are extensive, and I did spend considerable time viewing them and completing the reading. This course is not what I would call easy. Be willing to put in time to complete this. I highly respect professionals who deal with these issues on a daily basis.

By Bryan T


Oct 30, 2018

I was very satisfied with the amount of interesting and practical information packed into this course. All 3 presenters are excellent and very enjoyable. I liked the pace: the lectures and course topics came in manageable chunks that fit well into my busy schedule. The quizzes were enough to keep me thinking and help me recognize weaknesses in my understanding of the material without being overwhelming while working full time at my job.

By Kayla K


Mar 10, 2019

Very well organized. It got me interested in learning more about copyright. I think all new librarians, and library staff members, should have to take this course. There was a lot that I learned here that I had not heard of in library school. I did feel that some of the readings were much longer than the estimated 10 minutes, while others were a bit shorter. Aside from that, everything was great. Thank you!!!

By Kimberly L


Sep 1, 2017

Great course! The instructors were very knowledgeable and entertaining. I loved that they used concrete, real-world examples and examples that directly related to libraries. They used a couple of legal terms during one of the videos that I had to go look up, but other than that, the content was very helpful and I will definitely use the handouts they supplied. Thank you!

By Amanda M


Oct 8, 2019

Great course for librarians! The focus on librarians and educators was very helpful. The instructors were quite knowledgeable and I thought that the amount of reading was just right. I would recommend this course as an overview of the material needed to work as a librarian/educator. The sections on international copyright law were particularly helpful.

By Amy C


Oct 21, 2019

I would definitely recommend the course. It was extremely informative, the format was simple and straightforward, and it served as a great springboard for getting me started on the right track to understanding copyright and fair use (that can be overwhelming and intimidating).

THANK YOU for breaking it down and making it easy!!

By Amy


Apr 25, 2017

I thoroughly enjoyed this course! The videos were very engaging and interesting, and the instructors did a great job of explaining all kinds of different scenarios involving copyright and how to evaluate the potential use of copyrighted materials. I would highly recommend this course to anyone that might be interested in it!

By Elizabeth P


May 30, 2018

I enjoyed the course and learned quite a bit from it. It was very systematic and delivered in a manner that was not too technical or difficult to understand, while at the same time explaining the legalities very succinctly. The examples and final scenarios made learning very meaningful for me. Thank you!

By Aditya S C


Nov 11, 2019

A very useful course for not just educators and librarians but also for creative & technical writers. Covers the legalities with real-time examples that make you think.

By Andrew T


Aug 5, 2016

This is a fabulous copyright course for academic professionals! If you've ever had questions about copyright law in an academic context, take this course!

By Danjovert R


Sep 15, 2019

Thanks, Duke University, Emory University & The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. I able understand the copyright law and fair use guide.

By Fabiola P V A


Apr 17, 2019

muy interesante, gracias!

By Jessica A


Sep 16, 2015

Organization of the class is clear and easy to follow. However, it might be better to place the Supplementary Readings after the Essential Readings for each unit. At times I would miss these required readings on the outline. Other times I would think they were required readings for the upcoming unit, when in actuality they were still part of the required readings for the previous unit. Most of the time, I come across the supplementary readings after the quiz has been taken. And when you're following the steps on the website the computer screen determines where you go once each step is completed. The quizzes at the end of each unit should be placed at the end of each unit. I appreciate the ability to take quizzes at least three times and that you use the same quiz for each time it is retaken. Something I would change about the quizzes is, that the quizzes display the questions that were asked, instead of just marking with a green check mark or red X next to the number and the question that was asked, once the quiz has been submitted. The videos and transcripts of those videos is very helpful. The videos are very clear and easy to understand. The content of the supplementary readings at times went over my head, but the content is both helpful and useful information.The due dates for each assignment was reasonable and flexible. Aside from including the questions asked for each quiz after submission I would change your policy of establishing the honor code. When attempting to have my picture taken along with my ID to establish identification my head didn't quite line up with the Head Frame displayed on my screen and the button needed to be pressed in order to take the picture. The button was either not visible or the head shot frame was too high up.

I understand the need to establish ones identity during online classes, but wouldn't it be better to create a electronic pledge for the students to agree to? One that would uphold and honor the Coursera Honor Code; When someone is asked to type the same sentence repeatedly they're typing speed can increase because of the familiarity of that sentence. Also, the need to take more than one photo of the student before a quiz might make them feel uncomfortable. Especially, when the student is taking a quiz later in the day and may not exactly be "picture really".

By ena


Nov 4, 2016

The assessments were exceptionally useful because they were very realistic examples, close to the course examples but not so close as to not make the learner think.

I enjoyed the engaging team teaching and the clear high competence of the instructors. There was also an engaging switching of presentation modes (slides, team teaching discussion, presentation by one / two / all instructors).

I would like you to maybe add a page where I can find links to all course handouts and further readings. This would made reviewing easier (instead of finding it again from each individual page in the course; page loading times in coursera can be quite long). But this is really the only wish I can add. In every way a well-rounded great course! Thanks a lot!

By Maria R R A


Jun 21, 2020

The explanations in the video are clear and comprehensible enough to have a grasp of different topics discussed in the course, the assessment at the end of each week is really remarkable because it measures the learner's understanding and application of what was learned. The provided reading materials though lengthy are good quality, relevant and really contributes to deepening knowledge about the course. Thanks a lot.

By Snowy C


Dec 27, 2019

This course was far more in-depth that I thought it was going to be. As an early career Librarian, one focused on Scholarly Communications, this course has been a great opportunity to learn much about copyright law they don't teach in MLS courses. Very highly recommend to any librarian needing a course for copyright law or someone simply interested in the field.

By Kathy H


Jul 17, 2020

This course helped me to understand the basics of copyright law. I learned enough that if i have further questions, I know how to search to find answers. I appreciated the presentation, I found the lectures to be easy to understand. I found the supplemental material helpful. A very enjoyable course-thank you.

By Lillie G M


May 5, 2020

This course was an excellent beginner's overview covering: the basics of copyright awareness, the legal uses of copyright-protected content, and providing practical advice on how to be copyright compliant. I also appreciated the formatting the course used, of the Goldilocks principle "just the right amount."

By David R


May 30, 2019

Absolutely great training for librarians and archivists! As a librarian I left the course feeling confident in making decisions and with plenty of tools to address practical problems in my work.

By Ntombikayise M


Aug 9, 2020

This was eye opening and a very informative course for things to mind in terms of copyrighted materials and teaching! I loved the course! Thanks so much to the facilitators! AWESOME Indeed!

By Shaylynn R


Jun 19, 2024

While the information was useful, one of the professors had the voice of gravel and was like listening to nails on a chalkboard. The written text is out of date, and not formatted appropriately to modern standards- the second you see 2 spaces after a period, you should know this was written in the last century. Almost all of the "examples" in the course were from 2008 or before with "Youtube" being the most "modern" thing mentioned. For the love of god most of the movies mentioned were from the 90s. This was like watching Boomers talk about by-gone eras. Far better content is available on Youtube for copyright law... which is ironic.

By Hayley F


Jul 21, 2023

An engaging course on what could have been a rather dry topic. The lectures mostly comprise of conversations between the lecturers, which makes for engaging viewing. The lecturers have clear expertise; this, combined with their enthusiasm for imparting knowledge about copyright, meant that it was not a chore to view the lessons. The only downside is that this course appears to have been created around 2013, so some of the external links were broken. The law has not changed in that time though, so the course is still relevant.