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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Bookkeeping Basics by Intuit

4,798 ratings

About the Course

This is the first course in a series of four that will give you the skills needed to start your career in bookkeeping. If you have a passion for helping clients solve problems, this course is for you. In this course, you will be introduced to the role of a bookkeeper and learn what bookkeeping professionals do every day. You will dive into the accounting concepts and terms that will provide the foundation for the next three courses. You will learn how to work your way through the accounting cycle and be able to read and produce key financial statements. By the end of this course, you will be able to: -Define accounting and the concepts of accounting measurement -Explain the role of a bookkeeper and common bookkeeping tasks and responsibilities -Summarize the double entry accounting method -Explain the ethical and social responsibilities of bookkeepers in ensuring the integrity of financial information. No previous bookkeeping or accounting experience required....

Top reviews


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Excellent information! All of the information was easy to understand and follow. I loved how the program was laid out and the information included. Very comprehensive for basic information.


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I got stuck at the end. When adding all of the debits I had to choose the multiple choice that was closest rounding down. all of my ither answers were correct based off of my journal entry.

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926 - 950 of 1,315 Reviews for Bookkeeping Basics

By نصرالدين ع م ع


Nov 24, 2023


By منير ح


Oct 2, 2023


By Abhinav S (


Feb 8, 2023


By nosiba


Nov 12, 2022


By Emmanuel M


Nov 9, 2022


By Bader M a A


Sep 15, 2022




Sep 11, 2022


By Rocio V


Jun 3, 2022




Jan 24, 2022


By Syed A H S


Dec 29, 2021


By mengly t


Dec 24, 2021


By Shi H O


Sep 21, 2022


By Kulinich V


Mar 29, 2024


By Mona A Y


Aug 10, 2022

By Ibi


Jun 7, 2022


By Alyssa G F M


Sep 17, 2021

By Lia W


Sep 17, 2021

The course overall was very fun and informative. I took the course to refresh my bookkeeping skills and I actually learned a few things as I was taking this course. The pop quizzes were helpful for testing your knowledge. I appreciated hearing from actual bookkeeping professionals about their professions, how certain accounting principles may be applied, and how to make bookkeeping easier using Quickbooks. Their explanations of bookkeeping concepts were very easy to understand (at least most of the time); I think even someone with no bookkeeping knowledge can understand it. Bianca and Lou were very funny.

There were a couple issues I had and things I didn't like. I wasn't able to work on a few of the exercises because they wouldn't load. I was also very disappointed with the final project; I didn't get to do what I thought I would get to do, so it turned out to be unchallenging along with the final test :(.

The course was still good and it made me excited to do bookkeeping again.

By Elizabeth H


Jul 6, 2023

I had to call my accountant about question #3 on the Bookkeeping basics Case Study Quiz. I took the quiz twice and was not able to apply the Journal information correctly. I found the answers by using math I learned in school solving reading problems . After taking the quiz a second time I called my accountant. He went over everything step by step. Pencil and paper is my friend. It appears to him that the correct answer to number 3 is not available on the quiz. Additionally, He suggested that excel could have been set up in a clearer manner that might have allowed me to process the information and better utilize the T model. I am not planning on pursuing bookkeeping. We have a small mom and pop business. My goal was to learn enough to know what questions to ask when I run into problems. My goal was met. I have a lengthy list of things in QBO to go over with my accountant. This review is not about QBO so I will leave my thoughts on that out.

By Kathryn W O


Mar 29, 2024

For the most part this certificate class was decent. There are a few things that I wish were different. My number one desire would be to have more video illustrations of the various applications and scenarios of accounting in place of the Bookkeeper Video Clips because those were not very helpful in the scheme of what needed to be learned. Second, I wish there were handouts/worksheets that could be downloaded throughout the modules. The availability of "cheat sheets" were mentioned a couple of times but I never saw a link to anything other than the Excel Workbook that was needed for the final Quiz of the class. I also feel like the discussion questions were pointless. But all in all, I learned a lot. I hope that if I get approved for the FA to take the next course, the applications will become even clearer because I still don't feel fully confident in everything.

By Janet S


Jul 26, 2023

I took all four courses and passed the exam on the first try without any problem. But I was disappointed that Intuit's badge is just a green circle that says "Intuit Academy Bookkeeping Exam" instead of the previous badge for passing the exam which said "Intuit Certified Bookkeeping Professional" and matched the look of the ProAdvisor badges. This course is not about how to use QuickBooks. There are a few examples throughout the series but the real value is understanding accounting principles. The animations were a bit annoying for a professional with limited time who wants the course material without all the cutesy dialogue. But the information will be helpful to anyone pursuing a career in bookkeeping, especially if you interact with CPAs and tax accountants.

By Adam S


Aug 17, 2022

I really enjoyed the course and finally started to get it towards the end, but there's a lot of material to process and I wish some concepts were explained better. The most important detail I think is missing is the fact that accounting is completely opposite of traditional banking. If you make a purchase by writing a check, you credit your checking account to reduce the amount of money in there, which logically makes no sense. In regular banking, if somebody wrote you a check and you deposited that check, you would think it was a credit - money added to your account. I'm still having trouble processing why accounting in general works this way, but I'm hoping it's cleared up in the next three courses in this certificate program.

By Anita P


Apr 29, 2022

I really felt the course was a great introduction to bookkeeping. I especially thought it did a good job of explaining debits and credits in a way I could understand and retain.

My only frustration was with the final case study. I would have liked to be able to see a completed spreadsheet the way it was supposed to be done. No matter what I did, I could not come up with a trial debit balance that matched the four options on the quiz. I was able to guess the answer, but I really want to know what I was doing improperly because I honestly thought I was doing it right. I double checked several times . . .and my income statement was correct. So, I am left uncertain about where I went wrong despite scoring well on the final quiz.

By Robert D


Sep 13, 2021

Very helpful and relatively quick overview of bookkeeping basics. The lessons are well organized to cover the topics in an appropriate way. A lot of time and creativity went into the animated, "Reality Show" structure of the course. However, I'm unsure if some information might have needed additional detail. Prior to taking this course, I took a more "intensive" one on fundamentals of financing accounting. Much of the Bookkeeping Basics felt like a review of the concepts I learned in the accounting class. I wonder if I hadn't taken the other class, if some of the concepts covered here would have made sense (Debits vs. Credits basically being t-accounts, etc.). Still, a good course overall!

By Daniel v R


Nov 12, 2022

This course was interesting, fun and comprehensive. I thoroughly enjoyed it and believe it has giving me an understanding of the basics of bookkeeping and has prepared me for the next course. I especially liked the mix between videos, quizzes, discussion topics and exercises which culminated in a case study at the end.

My only issues with the course are minor and in reference to some glitches and issues with video quality. For example, some things have to be "marked as completed" twice and there are audio differences between the animated videos and the videos of experts explaining the topic.

By Tammi C


Sep 14, 2023

I would rate this course 3 1/2 stars. By the end I found it informative and useful, but there were some complex concepts that I felt were light on detailed explanation. Personally, I didn't care for the animated format and commentary, but I was able to overlook it for the most part. I would have liked to be able to ask a few pertinent questions. For example, on the final quiz, I am still unsure how one value was reached, and though I was able to get the correct answer on the quiz, I am left scratching my head.

I do plan on completing all four segments of this course, nonetheless.