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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Assess for Success: Marketing Analytics and Measurement by Google

1,338 ratings

About the Course

Assess for Success: Marketing Analytics and Measurement is the fifth of seven courses in the Google Digital Marketing & E-commerce Certificate. This course explores marketing analytics practices and tools. Digital marketing and e-commerce professionals are expected to analyze data from various sources (such as web pages, digital marketing channels, and e-commerce sites) and use them to gain customer insights. You’ll create media plans and set performance goals. You’ll learn how to measure, manage, and analyze data from marketing campaigns using Google Analytics, Google Ads, and similar tools. Then, learn how to adjust a marketing budget according to insights extracted from key metrics. You’ll use A/B test results to optimize a campaign and identify metrics that define a campaign's success. You will be able to analyze and visualize data and insights in spreadsheets and prepare presentations to share campaign progress or results with stakeholders. Google employees who currently work in the field will guide you, providing hands-on activities and examples that simulate common digital marketing and e-commerce tasks, while showing you some of the best tools and resources used on the job. Learners who complete the seven courses in this program will be equipped to apply for entry-level jobs in digital marketing and e-commerce. No previous experience is necessary. By the end of this course, you will be able to do the following: - Plan and allocate the spending of marketing budgets - Describe the unique role of performance goals and key performance indicators (KPIs) in marketing campaigns - Describe how tools like Google Analytics and Google Ads are used to measure website and ad campaign performance - Describe how to determine the return on investment (ROI) or return on ad spend (ROAS) of a marketing project - Prepare, conduct, and analyze the results from an A/B test to optimize a marketing campaign - Apply spreadsheet features like sorting, filtering, and pivot tables to prepare data to be shared - Create charts in spreadsheets for visualization of metrics...

Top reviews


May 9, 2022

This course builds a great foundation of marketing analytics. The first and second week's material allows you to learn the more intermediate aspects of performance marketing measurement (weeks 3 & 4)


Aug 15, 2023

This course is a no-brainer for those wanting to become a marketing analyst. I learned so much from this course about stakeholders, campaign monitoring, KPIs, reports, and presentations.

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276 - 300 of 301 Reviews for Assess for Success: Marketing Analytics and Measurement

By Nag R D


Oct 7, 2023

It was good

By Saurav S


Jul 10, 2023

Good Course

By ajiboye e


Sep 15, 2022

well done

By Jasmyn S


Oct 5, 2022

Course 5 isn't for the faint of heart. So far, of the 5 courses leading up to the final one, this is the most difficult. I typically have the videos at 1.25% speed but for this one I really had to slow it down and even replay them. There will be a lot of equations thrown at you throughout the entire course (basic algebra, but in-depth topics). I wish they would expand it to 5 or 6 weeks instead of keeping it at 4 because I felt as though it doesn't give you enough time to take in a topic before they introduce to you a new one. It's definitely helpful if you are interested in being a Marketing Coordinator or Data Analyst, but they don't go in-depth on programs like SQL or Python. If you can get through it the general topics are super helpful, and having the ability to read graphs and statistical information is important.

By Braulio A


Mar 30, 2024

Good course, but I feel like it was too complex. If needed, make it longer and provide more insightful information. Compared to other courses, when you watch the videos you are always waiting for that "aha!" moment, but it never comes. Also, this course points you to a lot of additional reading out of the platform. I understand that we as learners have a responsibility to learn on our own, but try to breakdown some of those readings for us, as we are paying a sub to use this platform.

By Elizabeth Q


Jun 29, 2023

I agree with other reviews; this course is challenging. If you are not a numbers-oriented individual, this will be tricky to get through. I actually thought the teacher wasn't bad, but be prepared to write a lot of information down as it goes by fast. I still recommend to complete it, as this doesn't fully prepare you for a data analytics position, but does introduce you to the topic.

By Michaelene K


Sep 15, 2022

Lots of good information but not as smoothly presented as the others. Maybe it was just more difficult. Not my favourite aspect of digital marketing.

By Kyaw N A


Nov 27, 2023

The instructor talks non-stop. No break between sentences. The lecture itself is complicated and hard to digest so fast lecturing makes it worse.

By Ahmed A


Sep 10, 2023

The tutor is reading too fast and he make it seems like he is reading not explaining but great info is provided

By Darren W


Jan 8, 2023

Harder to follow than the others. Could be another week so the lecturer doesn't fly through the material.

By Barbra B


Dec 26, 2023

It would be beneficial to have the exemplar example and answer then let you try to do it.

By Exhibition I


Jan 26, 2024

Some of the content is hard to follow

By Benjamin C


Apr 25, 2024

There is a lot of fluff in these



Jul 14, 2023


By Helen H


Feb 25, 2023

This is the fifth course in the professional certificate series in digital marketing and e-commerce. It is also by far the worst, the most confusing, the most poorly organized. Certain lessons had information simply stuffed into the the text or video with no explanation. Attempts to follow the instructor on some (not all) Google Analytics and Google Ads tutorials went at such a fast clip with no explanation; it was as if the instructor were on overdrive to get out of the building and just sped through the script. The presenter's diction was very poor compared to the other presenters of Courses 1, 2, 3, 4. The transcript was just one, very long machine-generated text -- not broken into paragraphs or time-code points. Check out LinkedIn and see how they handle this very same topic and series using Google Tools. It's a night-and-day difference.

My greatest concern was the instructor himself: so nervous, so ill-prepared, and with the worst "tick" I've ever seen in any video in years -- let alone an educational video: his incessant moving of his hands up and down, back and forth, for almost every word he uttered. At one point I stopped counting at 300 for all the times he moved his hands in one 4-minute video; that hand movement disrupted the flow of the script, presentation, my train of thought in concentration in trying to follow him, etc.

Did anyone train him? Practice? I worked in local and international TV news for 20 years, and one of the worst mistakes I've seen is when an organization decides to put their "in-house expert" on camera to represent them or explain something, and they totally flop. They don't know how to truly look into the camera, connect with the audience, and be still with their bodies in order to get the information/news out -- and NEVER FIDGET with their hands. Throughout this specific video series -- Assess for Success -- at times someone would plop a laptop in front of the presenter's hands as if to hide his hand-waving problem, while at other times it appeared he was trying to clench the table so as not to move his hands. But in the end he always -- ALWAYS -- did.

What happened as I watched and was trying to learn about marketing analytics and measurement is that my respect for Google sank. What I believed was a high quality organization offering these courses in digital marketing using their own Google professionals was perhaps instead a cost-cutting move of ill-trained, amateur on-air readers/presenters. Surely Google can do better. Because it was so painful to watch I often turned off the presenter's audio with its sloppy diction, and jumped ("scrubbed") through the video to capture on-screen information, then read through the transcript to get the key takeaways. It was a time-wasting workaround, but I wanted the information --despite all the lackluster, distracting video presentations. My suggestion: Recut this entire video series in Course 4 and re-present it with someone -- anyone -- who doesn't spend every single video -- from beginning to end -- distracting the viewer with his hands and sloppy diction.

By Aiden B


Mar 12, 2024

Very confusing course, and I don't feel there were a lot of helpful resources, and some explanations were vague. A lot of obvious points were repeated over and over, and the course didn't focus as much on learning Google Analytics as I thought it would. It focused more on working in scenarios that those of us NOT going into data analysis will never have to face.

By Blair H


Jul 17, 2023

The structure of the learning materials was challenging. The detail in this course is somewhat complex and needed to have one extra week . Also there are numerous videos that really should be readings given the detail associated with the topic. Probably the most unsatisfying course I have completed on Coursera.

By Rick D


Apr 3, 2024

Only this course out of all 7 seemed fast-paced. It started off with concepts and topics completely new to me, and yet those topics were used as if I should just know them after barely introducing them. And I took all courses in order.



Aug 31, 2023

To much info for one course. these course must split in two. It produces a lot of cognitive Load.

By Ananya G


Mar 22, 2024

It was very difficult to follow. Wish the course was more in depth.

By Sebastian Z


Dec 18, 2023

Hard to stay invested or motivated

By Pawan k s


Jul 28, 2023

great thankuh coursera

By Michelle Y


Apr 22, 2024

very confusing

By Iryna T


Feb 17, 2024

Terrible presentation of the material - complicated concepts are given in a hasty way, no accents of important aspects, the speaker makes no pauses, assumes the terms are understandable when they are not, and overuses abbreviations. I will have no go overt the same subjects separately, because this course made me even more confused



May 12, 2023

la parte principal de: hacer ejercicios en google analytics no se pudo realizar ni comprobar ya que las fechas señaladas en los ejercicios no tenían data en el DEMO. No hay respuestaa rápida al reportar ese problema.