Nov 2, 2022
Incredibly helpful to someone wanting to study ecological sciences at university! I highly recommend you complete the course as it doesn't take long. I very much enjoyed it. With love from the UK!
Apr 9, 2019
one of the best course to know everything about algae. I recommend all people who decided to work on algae pass this course. I learnt about different aspects of algae and seaweed. thanks Coursera.
By Taras P
•Jul 5, 2019
An exceptional introduction I must say. I am an BS Aquaculture from URI and an oyster hatchery manager and was more than satisfied with the curriculum and the expertise of the speakers. I would greatly encourage a follow-up course.
By Kinza S
•Apr 21, 2020
This is extremely knowledgeable course to me as i'm Biotechnology undergraduate student and wants to gain information about my project that is about algae so it'll be helpful to me in my project and also the material used in lectures is too good and the teachers are also superb thanks all of you to give me chance to learn and apply and thankx Coursera for amazing site for studious student who wants to learn in a peaceful environment so thankyou once again...
By Amirreza Z
•Apr 9, 2019
one of the best course to know everything about algae. I recommend all people who decided to work on algae pass this course. I learnt about different aspects of algae and seaweed. thanks Coursera.
By Prabuddha L G
•Jun 1, 2020
I am Ph.D. in algae biotechnology and I have a good experience in cultivation, dewatering, harvesting of algae biomass along with biofuel production of algae, but this course has really helped to understand the novel updates in the field of algal biotechnology, especially the harvesting and production of polyurethane, etc. I would really recommend this course to all the students of bioprocess technology, botany, biotechnology, and chemistry students. The information and knowledge are really helping to understand key nuisances in the whole process and develop a through concept. I am happy to complete the course. Thanks for the whole team of UC San Diego and Coursera for such amazing work.
By Tony R
•Sep 5, 2019
An excellent detail introduction covering the details of algae
evolution, algae bio- chemistries & structures, algae cultivation, harvesting, producer methods, products and applications.
By Deleted A
•Jan 4, 2020
A good course however, it has a beginner level rather than an intermediate one
By Thiruchelvi R
•Jul 29, 2020
I'm the lover of algae, Hence I took this course which gives more insights to know about starting from lifecycle to product development...…which is same like as our child birth in humans....I enjoyed and I'm feeling more passion to undergo this course. I strongly recommend all to take this course....don't miss this awesome oppturnity to know about the most abundant resource which available surrounding us....
Last but not taking this course I'm having more insights to become entrepreneur and developing products from algae. Thanks to UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO Professors ..
Looking forward more advanced form of course related to algae. Thank you...
I kindly request the team to post the answer for below question. II need answer for one of the quiz which I feel very bad not to answer. the question was
What is the energy source that phototrophic organism used to create food?
By Juan P
•Aug 3, 2020
Great coruse, very professional and charismatic teachers. The first three weeks were awesome but the last two were a little bit boring. It's agreat course for anyone interested in algae as an industrial organism
By Andrea L
•Apr 28, 2020
Muy bien explicado, pienso que te da un panorama bien definido sobre el cultivo de algas (con mayor enfásis en microalgas) y las diferentes etapas que se tienen. Un gusto llevar este curso.
By Ahmet Y M
•Oct 13, 2019
I wish there was an option that I could see the captions (the sentences that the speaker spoke) during the presentations like watching TV with the CC is on... Just a suggestion.
By Al G
•Jun 22, 2021
The lectures are, ironically, very dry. Most of them could have just provided the powerpoint instead of the video. I wanted to learn more about the biology and natural ecology of algae, but those parts seemed rushed. The course might have been less disappointing if it was more clearly labeled as an introduction to algae-based industry, because that is the emphasis. This course isn't fun. There's none of the wonder or excitement that I associate with science, especially biology. It's biology as a means to an end (and that end is just boring Products). I'm giving this course two stars because it wasn't overtly offensive, I did learn a couple things, and I did finish it. But I only finished it because it was so short.
By Kathy R
•May 21, 2019
Not what I had expected- I was looking for biological algae intro, and this was an industrial application of algae course. Interesting I guess, but not what I was wanting.
By Paul G
•Apr 16, 2020
Very interesting and inspiring course! So cool to learn about the history and great diversity of algae, as well as the potential uses of algae in renewable energy and for sustainable materials.
By wafaa z
•Aug 9, 2020
first, thank you so much for all professors and assistants. it is really amazing I like it so much. plz update and focus more on algal biotechnology and genetic engineering for this field.
By Ryan Z Y
•Jun 10, 2019
It was an interesting (and generally in-depth) introductory course. Recommended to take good notes!
One downside of the course -- there are a few times, when the lecturers do not really explain things well enough (Ex: there was a lecturer who did not explain how a "Zobi Harvester" worked in-depth; And because he was a leader of the company that invented the "Zobi Harvester", it seemed as if he was merely turning that specific Coursera lecture into an advertisement!)
By Joe G
•Mar 9, 2021
I had several questions that I posted in the discussion forums. None of the instructors responded. I even tried to contact them through email. No response.
By Timothy R
•Jan 31, 2025
Hey anyone who is reading this! I went to school for biology, specializing in Botany and then Phycology (Study of algae). I wanted to take this course and see what I thought of it and I can say I'm happy with what I took! Everything I did know I felt was a fair to wonderful coverage of algae and definitely is a perfect first step into the world of algae. I love how they ended the series off on a practical look at what algae is used for in an industrial setting to help people get an idea of what looking down a career path for it would be. Two small things to correct and they are only grammatical (So, do not take this as a condemnation of the class. WONDERFUL class) 1. Algae is the plural version, Alga the singular. Many of not all of the instructors seemed to get this wrong No big deal, but worth pointing out. (I think some got it wrong with Bacteria as well, which is the plural and Bacterium being the singular). 2. Charophycean algae was pronounced with a Ch sound like chocolate when it confusingly actually has the hard C-K sound like can or kale. These two corrections are MINOR. Loved the class! Highly recommend! Please, if you are looking at this course with curiosity take it and even if you don't get the certificate you will walk away with a better understanding of algae. Sincerely Timothy Richard Rockwell
By Kariana A F L
•Apr 17, 2020
Excelente curso, lo tome ya que estoy en un proyecto de NSF en donde tenemos un laboratorio de algas. Resume muy bien los temas generales de las algas, y tiene un contenido muy instructivo y beneficioso para cualquiera que este comenzando o ya tenga conocimiento de algas. El nivel de dificultad es intermedio, solo necesitas saber un poco de biologÃa y la célula para entender todo a la perfección. Me encanto el curso. Los profesores son de excelente calidad, recursos muy reconocidos en el tema de las algas.
Kariana Feliciano
Research LabTech NSF Proposal, Inter American University of Puerto Rico, Barranquitas Campus. Marine Biotechnology Laboratory
By Maroi S
•Jan 5, 2021
The course was a fantastic introduction to algae, covering the basic biology, ecology to commercial applications ! Highly recommended as an eye-opener for those, like me, who want to contribute to creating a much more sustainable world for our future generations. The course should be not be viewed just at academic "face value", but as a starting point on what game-changing biotechnologies can do to change our vision, attitudes and mission for the planet. As a global business consultant, it has motivated me even more to promote green-tech/ clean-tech.
Many thanks to UC San Diego and everyone involved for your inspiration !
Maroi Shoji
By Joianne B
•Jul 21, 2022
As a life science educator, I really enjoyed the focus of this course and learned alot about the ecology of Algae. The engineering techniques used in bio-prospecting and manufacturing were especially interesting for me. I'm looking forward to including some of this content in my Living Planet course at SVA.
Although some lectures were technical and the slides were sometimes hard to view on the on-line format, I think the final quiz questions posed were excellent and help understand a bigger picture about Algal biodiversity and its uses.
By Joshua M Q
•Jan 16, 2020
Through this course, I was able to learn the fundamentals of algae. The lessons and presentations helped me fully understand the importance of algae, not just in the industry but also to the environment. The knowledge I have acquired from this course will have a huge impact to me as a chemical engineering student. Now, I am more interested in landing a future job in bioengineering, utilizing microbes specifically algae for the sustainable production of energy, food, and biomedicine.
By Miaoling Y G
•Jul 12, 2021
I recommend this course to anyone who is embarking to research algae. This course was of big help to understand the important theoretical points when it comes to cultivate algae. The syllabus is very complete. I grew algae for a semester for a University course and this course gave me the tools (knowledge) that I needed to completely understand my research.
Thank you very Much to all the speakers and I am looking forward to deepen myself in Algae Biotechnology.
By Esteban
•Jan 3, 2020
La metodologÃa de aprendizaje en el curso fue didáctica se a bordaron los temas de manera gráfica y teórica lo cual facilito el aprendizaje del contenido expuesto ,se abordaron temáticas importantes en el cultivo de macro y micro-algas como taxonomÃa, caracterÃsticas de los organismos,ecologÃa ,fertilización ,técnicas de cosecha ,extracción de lÃpidos, usos comerciales de la biomasa , sistemas de producción,entre otros aspectos de gran relevancia.
By Inga V d B
•Jun 18, 2020
I very much enjoyed the course. The videos were quite short and so completing them did not feel like a big task. The amount of work was also generously spaced over the course of five weeks... given the amount of content (which was suprisingly less dense than expected).
I would have enjoyed learning a bit more in depth, or perhaps if an advanced course could be given into algae I would very much enjoy further studying the subject.
By abdullah a b
•Sep 13, 2022
please free this courase so i can get certifACTE THANK U.please free this courase so i can get certifACTE THANK U.BEST CPURSE I GOT TO LEARN MANY THINGS.GUIDLINE IS VERY ATTRACTIVEV AND EASY please free this courase so i can get certifACTE THANK U.please free this courase so i can get certifACTE THANK U.BEST CPURSE I GOT TO LEARN MANY THINGS.GUIDLINE IS VERY ATTRACTIVEV AND EASY