Brian Silverman holds the J.R.S. Prichard and Ann Wilson Chair in Management at the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management. Brian's research focuses on the ways in which a firm’s competitive strategy and organizational structure interact to affect its performance. Current projects include a study of differences in the ways that men and women construct, and benefit from, social networks within an organization. He has published 40 journal articles, six books (five as editor), and 10 Harvard Business School cases. His research has appeared in journals including Academy of Management Journal, Administrative Science Quarterly, American Journal of Sociology, Journal of Law & Economics, Management Science, Research Policy, and Strategic Management Journal, among other outlets, and has been discussed in popular-press venues such as Business Week Online, Glamour Magazine, Sloan Management Review, and The New York Times. Brian has taught in executive programs at Harvard Business School and the Rotman School and has also delivered in-house management education programs worldwide. He has received numerous teaching awards. He has been cited as a "Noted Alliance Expert" by the Corporate Strategy Board.