
邱泽奇 (Qiu Zeqi)

教授 (Professor)


邱泽奇,北京大学社会学系教授、北京大学中国社会与发展研究中心主任、重庆大学公共管理学院院长;曾经创办北京大学中国社会科学调查中心并担任创办主任(2006-2011)。主要研究领域:组织研究、信息技术应用与社会变迁、社会调查与研究方法;主要讲授课程:组织社会学、社会调查与研究方法、人群与网络、社会项目评估。 Dr. Qiu Zeqi is a professor of sociology at Peking University, director of the Center for Sociological Research and Development Studies in China, and dean of Public Affairs School at Chongqing University. He is the founder and was the initial director (2006-2011) of Institute of Social Science Survey at Peking University. His major researches focused on information technology application and organization change, ICT and social change, survey methodology, and social network methodology. The major course he teaches are sociology of organizations, survey methodology, network and crowds, and evaluation for social programs.