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Magíster en Salud Pública Global

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

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Aplica ahora u obtén más información sobre el programa para ser parte de la Universidad Nº 1 de habla hispana en Latinoamérica según QS World University Rankings 2024.

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Universidad acreditada

Título otorgado por la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Enseñanza en español

Participa en discusiones grupales con tus profesores y compañeros

24 meses

22 horas semanales. 16 cursos y un proyecto final.

100% Online

Aprende mediante sesiones en vivo y contenido asincrónico desde cualquier lugar

$9.900.000 CLP

$11.000 USD para alumnos afuera del territorio chileno. Conoce más detalles aquí

Experiencia del estudiante

Los estudiantes tendrán la posibilidad de ajustar el programa a sus horarios y posibilidades, realizando las actividades curriculares en el momento que lo deseen, dentro de un cierto período. Además, contarán con el apoyo de tutores y con la realización de clases sincrónicas para poder interactuar directo con sus profesores, ofreciendo una experiencia personalizada de aprendizaje. El programa cuenta además con una serie de herramientas tecnológicas para el desarrollo de proyectos y para fomentar la interacción entre estudiantes y de los estudiantes con sus profesores y tutores.

Meet your instructors

Kevin Vaccaro

Kevin Vaccaro

Adjunct Industry Professor, Information Technology and Management


About Illinois Tech

Illinois Tech is a top-tier, nationally ranked, private research university with programs in business, engineering, computer science, architecture, design, natural sciences, human sciences, and law. The university offers bachelor of science, master of science, professional master’s, and Ph.D. degrees, as well as certificates for in-demand STEM fields and other areas of innovation. Talented students from around the world choose to study at Illinois Tech because of the access to real-world opportunities, experiential learning, connections with the business community, renowned academic programs, high value, and career outcomes of graduates.

About the College of Computing

Many faculty members from the College of Computing work in the tech industry, bringing bona fide expertise to the classroom that will uniquely help you prepare for your career. You can tap into their knowledge in areas such as data analysis, digital system architecture, information system management, business system analysis, voice/data system analysis, software development, mobile application development, systems administration, web applications development, and more. National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense Education

The United States Department of Homeland Security and the National Security Agency have designated Illinois Institute of Technology as a National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense Education.

North American Defense and Security Academic Alliance (NADSAA)

The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) and United States Northern Command (USNORTHCOM) North American Defense and Security Academic Alliance (NADSAA) exists as a collaborative, information-based enterprise dedicated to strengthening and normalizing relationships between the two commands and academic institutions. This relationship stimulates and develops new thinking, examines cross-organizational solutions, and helps cultivate future generations of defense and security practitioners.


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