The Data Scientist’s Toolbox
Johns Hopkins University
Oluwasgeun has a bachelor's degree in statistics from the Federal University of Technology, Akure, in Nigeria. He dreams of becoming a professor. He says that his courses on Coursera helped him discover his passion for data science. His certificates from the courses below and the portfolio of projects he built helped him land a research position at an institute in Spain.
Oluwasgeun has a bachelor's degree in statistics from the Federal University of Technology, Akure, in Nigeria. He dreams of becoming a professor. He says that his courses on Coursera helped him discover his passion for data science. His certificates from the courses below and the portfolio of projects he built helped him land a research position at an institute in Spain.
“I used my new R Programming knowledge for my master's degree project, in which I analyzed satellite data on radiation. Without well-taught courses on Coursera, this would not have been possible. Coursera is an example of how technology is limitless in its power to impact lives in a positive way.” -Oluwasgeun
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