
Learn more about the skills and certifications you need for a career as a computer engineer, optical engineer, electrical engineer, and more.

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Explore popular engineering courses

Status: Free

Georgia Institute of Technology

Skills you'll gain: Engineering Analysis, Mechanics, Engineering Calculations, Mechanical Engineering, Engineering, Civil Engineering, Structural Analysis, Physics, Trigonometry

Status: Free

Skills you'll gain: Systems Engineering, Systems Architecture, Functional Design, Software Architecture, Requirements Analysis, System Requirements, Technical Communication, Unified Modeling Language, Simulations

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Skills you'll gain: Software Design Patterns, Requirements Analysis, Systems Development Life Cycle, Software Architecture, Acceptance Testing, Software Development Methodologies, Unified Modeling Language, Software Development Life Cycle, Configuration Management, Software Quality Assurance, Debugging, Engineering Software, Software Design, Process Driven Development, Software Engineering, Software Testing, Object Oriented Design, Functional Requirement, Data Modeling, Systems Design

Engineering covers a wide variety of skills and careers. With so many options and opportunities available, it can be tricky to know where to start. On Coursera, you'll find expert resources to support your goals, whether you're just starting out or are ready to take the next step in your career. Explore engineering topics, including:

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  1. US Bureau of Labor Statistics. "Occupational Outlook Handbook, Mechanical Engineers," Accessed January 29, 2024.

  2. US Bureau of Labor Statistics. "Occupational Outlook Handbook, Architecture and Engineering Occupations," Accessed January 29, 2024.