Mar 21, 2016
This course was excellent - the professors were incredible as well as the subject material. I felt I learned a comparable amount from this short MOOC vs what I learned in some of my MBA courses!Mike
Dec 5, 2015
I am really enjoying this course and the lessons are easy to follow. The instructor gives great examples to sum up each lesson and her explanations really hone in on what marketing actually entails.
By Joshua P
•Mar 20, 2016
First 2 lessons were easy to follow, and gave relatable information. 3rd lesson was trying to explain topics that required technical and analytical explanations, but the course isn't long enough for that type of learning. Keep it high level and easy to connect with real life. 3rd lesson was easy too follow but personally, I did not find it all that interesting.
By Alice G
•Mar 21, 2020
I value week 2 course most. Week 4 and 5 are too simple for Master students. If this course would provide slides, reading materials and explanation of quiz, it will be better.
I feel inconvenient to guess the correct answer when I chose the wrong option. There is no explanation or correct answer after quiz.
Still, thank for providing this class for beginners.
By michael N
•Jul 20, 2020
I found that listening to pro Kahn was easier than note taking because the text from her lecture wasnt always correct; a bit of stuttering and waffling made it hard to re-read my notes. pro fader was the best; he was concise and coherent. Pro Raju made me fall asleep a few times. found his lectures pretty boring. Long winded powerpoint presentations.
By Marice
•Oct 27, 2018
Info was clear enough for beginners without any business foundation. However, the videos seemed to be shot at 2013, which was a bit too outdated. Nowadays we have social marketing, A.I. etc.. Would love to see if Coursera could do an update, and would love to attend professors' class again if they are talking about A.I. Marketing. (laugh)
By Joonik K
•Apr 8, 2018
I was expecting a lecture with a tight and well-defined course, but I had a feeling that the many different ideas presented weren't closely related with each other, giving a feeling of disorganization.
However, I still was able to learn the primary and important pricples of marketing, and I still would recommend this lecture to a friend.
By Lutz E
•Jun 3, 2016
Has some very interesting topics. If you don't know anything about marketing in the beginning, you won't after this course either. If you already had a good marketing course in the past, this one might be a worthwhile addition. Like the other Wharton business foundation courses severely shortened compared to the initial installments.
By Kelsey K
•Sep 13, 2021
Overall, the ideas discussed were very helpful. However, a lot of the content, especially in week 3, was not beginner friendly and there was too much crammed into the week. Also, the slides/videos could be more organized. Week 2 did an excellent job at this,
By Nimish S
•Jul 21, 2016
A good introductory course especially if completing the business foundations series. But if not, this course delves to deep into new(almost cutting edge and original) practices in marketing while totally omiting conventional methods
By Nikita P
•Sep 24, 2017
Nice course to get some introductory information about marketing. However, the course emphasizes too much on branding, which is probably not the most essential part of marketing to be covered in such an overview course.
By Raymond J C
•Mar 2, 2022
It's good to hear from multiple professors but the there wasn't enough depth or breath of materials. I know this won't be anywhere near a full-blown MBA course but come on. More depth and breath please!
By Baylee M
•Apr 24, 2018
Course was interesting and informative. However, intermittent questions and quizzes did not always match content. Also, the professors would often reference previous things that were not taught.
By Kayla P
•Sep 5, 2021
I found the info in the lectures to be valuable, but it would have been helpful if the course had reading material available as well. Not all the transcripts captured the lectures very well.
By Ahmed A A
•Aug 4, 2021
It was really a good course where I have learnt a lot.
but the course was too long to finish in 1 month and week 3 was just long
please try to reduce the number of lessons in eek three and 4
By Beatriz M
•May 12, 2020
The course could offer more applied exercises and examples (e.g., business cases). I liked the content but I don't feel I'm ready to practice it because of that.
By Wade R
•Jun 26, 2017
Very good content, well- presented, but I wish they had more detailed instructions on creating digital ad marketing campaigns for various types of startups.
By Hamid J
•Dec 23, 2022
I found it hard to comprehend the concepts well with Prof. Raju's monotonous and dull body language. Plus, I find the Indian accent extremely distracting.
By Alex K
•Mar 6, 2019
I bit outdated by this point, though many concepts are still relevant. would like to see case studies and working examples updated beyond 2014.
By Jesús A G S
•Jan 5, 2022
Very insightful course with very interesting ideas, but a little monotonous at times... By the way, I have learned a lot from these teachers!
By Kelly S
•Oct 3, 2019
Good basics to marketing. Learned a lot I can use as a budding Entrepreneur! Materials and especially examples are outdated by 5 years.
By Rachelle K
•Sep 23, 2020
Interesting course! I did find it a bit dry at times though and hard to absorb. The quiz questions were also a bit hard to understand.
By Ali A
•Aug 7, 2019
Lectures are great, but transcription is not very much helpful, it is better off to have a PDF file that is written on the topic.
By Ricardo R
•Jun 9, 2020
Na descrição da especialização em Fundamentos de negócios estava descrito que a havia a legenda em português (Brasil) e não há
By Akarsh M
•May 16, 2020
I would have really preferred if the lectures came with the slides to make it less cumbersome. All in all a good course
By David B
•Jan 24, 2024
This course is a bit slapdash, and the lack of quizzes after each video makes it hard to prepare for the quizzes.
By Nicole D
•Jul 17, 2019
It was really good BUT it is from 2013... in 6 years a lot of things have changed specially in the digital area!