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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Operating Systems and You: Becoming a Power User by Google

27,498 ratings

About the Course

In this course -- through a combination of video lectures, demonstrations, and hands-on practice -- you’ll learn about the main components of an operating system and how to perform critical tasks like managing software and users, and configuring hardware. By the end of this course you’ll be able to: ● navigate the Windows and Linux filesystems using a graphical user interface and command line interpreter ● set up users, groups, and permissions for account access ● install, configure, and remove software on the Windows and Linux operating systems ● configure disk partitions and filesystems ● understand how system processes work and how to manage them ● work with system logs and remote connection tools ● utilize operating system knowledge to troubleshoot common issues in an IT Support Specialist role...

Top reviews


Jun 21, 2019

Great course, lots of very challenging and useful information. You'll learn about Linux and some of the inner workings of Windows, plus lots of tools and programs that are really useful. Great course!


May 23, 2020

A wonderful course of prevention that I learned a lot from,

Using commands with Windows and Linux

How to deploy and install operating systems through the network and Alot


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4901 - 4925 of 5,327 Reviews for Operating Systems and You: Becoming a Power User


Nov 23, 2020

It was difficult for the beginner to handle but practicing using command is really useful to understand how OS works

By Joanna F L

Apr 9, 2023

there are some of the qicklabs that are unclear and when i know i have it right the course still marks it as wrong

By N. R

Jul 25, 2022

There are too many issues in Qwiklabs that needs to be look at and fixed. I felt Qwiklabs slowed my progress down.

By Kurt E

Aug 8, 2018

Labs could use some work on more real life situation on how to use the command lines to alter settings and files.

By Monica M G

Jul 12, 2022

Difficult to understand some of the coding - wish there was a study sheet to help memorize all of the commands.


Mar 4, 2021

Challenging, refreshed some skills and learned some new ones. Would have learned more if I had a fucking mentor!

By Monish K

Aug 15, 2020

it was just all about covering topic, it would have been better if there was more exercises about the commands .

By John S

Dec 22, 2022

Powershell almost unusable at times. Have to find workarounds in order to complete Virtual Machine assignments.

By Robyn C

Sep 12, 2022

A bit more difficult than the other courses due to learning more commands and remembering what each one does.

By Marcelo G

May 20, 2021

I would prefer doing windows PowerShell commands in one section and then Linux instead of going back and forth

By Kim C

Aug 8, 2021

The qwiklabs font is small and for me it was hard to read at times but overall it was an interesting course.

By Charles K C

Mar 30, 2019

The Linux Lab part of this course is not that great. Some of the parts of the lab need to have bugs removed.

By Andre C

Oct 23, 2020

Great course to get all the concepts and fundamentals not only about OSs but computers in general. Thanks.

By Eva-Liisa S

May 18, 2023

In videos the commands were often written too fast. Also, there could have been more practical exercises.

By Eddie R

Aug 4, 2020

the person could of done a better job at explaining things especially for people who have no experience

By Gillian I

Aug 9, 2019

Would rate 5 stars, but that VLC issue in the Linux lab on the last week took about a month off my life.

By Oscar R

Oct 20, 2021

Some of the labs in this course are broken/out of date and sometimes hard to understand if they aren't.

By Kevin

Sep 22, 2022

There was a lot of information being given, but not a lot of opportunites to practice the material.

By Jason K

Jun 3, 2018

The Labs are very frustrating because they don't always work properly. Otherwise the course was good

By Alexander B

Aug 8, 2022

The assessments in the Windows VM are very bad in terms of performance and interacting with the VM

By Sabrina T

Mar 8, 2019

The labs were difficult on this one, but the lab support team (Qwiklabs) was wonderful! Thanks

By Donald B

Sep 25, 2020

Can be very challenging for someone unfamiliar with limited computer skill and IT experience.

By Cory H

Feb 25, 2019

More challenging than previous courses. Issues with Qwiklabs really cause delays in learning.

By Tumelo M

Sep 19, 2022

I like the graded assignments, some of the commands were tricky to understand and remember.

By Jesus R

Sep 19, 2020

It needs way better explanations and practice before throwing a student in those crazy labs.