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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Market Research and Consumer Behavior by IE Business School

4,686 ratings

About the Course

Your marketing quest begins here! The first course in this specialization lays the neccessary groundwork for an overall successful marketing strategy. It is separated into two sections: Market Research and Consumer Behavior. Gain the tools and techniques to translate a decision problem into a research question in the Market Research module. Learn how to design a research plan, analyze the data gathered and accurately interpret and communicate survey reports, translating the results into practical recommendations. You will then focus in on the consumer decision-making process, highlighting the key moments from identifying a need to buying and consuming a product. Adopt a true “consumer focus” in your managerial decisions by analyzing how consumers make decisions, what happens (in their hearts and minds) at different stages of the decision making process, and the variables that influence those decisions. This course will equip you with the knowledge required to understand the state of your product before approaching the market strategy. There’s no better place to build the foundations of your marketing journey!...

Top reviews


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It would be better if we could add a section where we could analyse how to analyse once a survey is collected. But amazing video none the less and great efforts by the professor


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The course was very helpful. It helped me refresh all my consumer behavior knowledge and addressed my blurred area of market resarch as a whole. The key was the detail explanatory videos.

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926 - 950 of 1,018 Reviews for Market Research and Consumer Behavior

By Aabid A S

May 2, 2021


By Shubham k s

Sep 30, 2020


By iraiamuthan.v

Dec 11, 2020


By Jan A

Feb 6, 2023

I’m giving this two stars because what material was covered was well done. However, if you’re looking for a course that can be completed with the provided materials, this isn’t it. There are issues addressed going back years on the student forums for each week relating to questions on the graded quizzes. Each week, there is at least one question that is not covered at all in the course material and when the information is sourced elsewhere, the answer found doesn’t match up with the course’s “correct” answer. Teaching assistants have replied That they will look into the issue, but here we are up to 5 years later and the questions aren’t corrected. Other tested content is only covered in power point presentations that one wouldn’t know existed unless they had scoured the forums for guidance. OVerall, I think Coursera needs to have the producers of this course pull it and make it accessible (or at least have the correct test answers) for students. It is a course certificate that many of us in marketing would love to have, but I have to walk away before completing the courses because the frustration just outweighs the benefit.

By Nicholas M F

Aug 8, 2017

Really disappointing. Some practical issues: no downloadable slides; no feedback to wrong answers on quiz (only show question and whether got it right or wrong -not even the possible answers); full of confusing typos (casual research instead of causal). Poorly presented. Skims over important concepts, while painfully labouring the utterly obvious (yes, one really gets it after countless videos that Tiffany has run out of milk for her coffee and that this is what drives her purchase decision, whereas buying a computer is more involved and buying clothes somewhere in between). Practical examples would also really help. Not a good advert for IE, and really don't understand some of the rave reviews for this course. On the positive side: the academic papers on risk aversion (prospect theory) and self-reporting (how questions shape answers) were really enlightening, and seeing these alone makes up for the sheer pain of wading through the course itself.

By Ishank C

May 27, 2020

Consumer Behavior portion was alright, but a huge dissatisfaction with the Market Research part. Extremely less content under Market Research, can't be categorized even under "Overview of Market Research". Videos are missing, I have noticed at least 2 videos to be missing. Confusing example of a consumer buying behavior demonstration shown under market research. Many times, some important concepts are just read out as they are in the PPT with not even a definition of those technical words. There are a lot of problems and issues in the Market Research part, have listed a few only. Many in the discussion forum have also raised similar concerns.

By Jennifer A

Aug 27, 2016

We are getting basic ideas, but going through all the information structuring the ideas too quickly, with NO examples / limited examples, which is what will teach us the most. Then, we get to the quiz with questions where we have to apply real life examples to the structured learning and it's very difficult. Instead, too much time spent on videos of "role playing" - just spend time giving proper examples we can learn from instead of blasting through them. Furthermore, the professor is difficult to understand a lot of the time.

The visuals are the best part of the course.

By Colleen S

Sep 3, 2021

This course had a lot of good information. The problem and reason I gave it 2 stars is that a lot of information is missing. The videos do not relate to questions on the quiz. You have to download a resource powerpoint to view information which is not addressed in the video content. It would also be helpful to give more examples throughout the course. I recommend that this course is completely redone with new videos (week 2 was a waste of time) and powerpoint topics are included in the videos. Please fix it so people can understand what is being discussed in the course.

By Joy D

Oct 16, 2016

I enjoyed some of this course content, but mostly did not enjoy the course delivery. The instructor is very warm and friendly, but not well articulate. Also, the way the course content is extremely segmented into short videos, with 20 sec intros to each video, is extremely distracting and interrupted my concentration. I I felt the videos with Tiffany were unnecessary and a waste of time. Also, I felt there were not enough examples or really life examples, especially later in the course when describing different types of date and analysis.

By Vikram k

Mar 26, 2020

I honestly was expecting a lot more from the course. The instructor was not articulate in many of the areas. There were many topics on which practical examples could have been given to make the subject matter easier to digest. There should have been detailed write ups on the topics to supplement the videos. In a lot of the videos, It was almost as if the instructor was reading from a PPT. Being an instructor myself, I found this course well below par. Hoping the other courses in this series is better.

By Anders B

Apr 24, 2020

This course was a bit one dimensional, very theoretical and sometimes the instructor rushes through topics. Had to pause and rewind the videos several times to follow and take notes. On the flip side, some of the more lively videos, such as when we follow the lady buying computer/milk/clothes seemed somewhat irrelevant…? Also, the readings for this course is limited and very old (20-30 years old articles). Would have appreciated more up-to-date material and a more interactive course.

By Hunter G

Sep 20, 2023

Covers important information but communicates it very poorly. The speaker frequently stumbles over words saying something wrong and then correcting it with very hard to understand sentence structure. There are major typos in graded quizs. The Information covered isnt broken down and covered clearly enough. All we get are wordy transcriptions of videos. The most useful content are the external articles the course links to.

By Andrew T

Nov 14, 2023

Content need to be revised, and video need to be taken again. Instructure can take his time in wording as he sometimes seem to speak fast. Also, certain videos show the text 'casual' whiles instructor is pronouncing 'causal', similar errors were observed. Also, there are no secondary data types to be called ordinal , nominal... etc. It is just data types. Otherwise, then what will be the primary data types then?

By Zeynab A

Sep 22, 2020

There is fewer reading materials. as a person who have academic background on statistics, the reading materials and additional sources provided for research or tasks is very limited. besides, The part which professor explains is more likely to be only definitions of certain terminology. Learning is not comfortable and I've doubt that the rest of course really can be helpful to gain new knowledge.

By Erica H

Mar 20, 2021

This course gives an overview of many concepts but they are skimmed over without much detail or any useful examples. I was introduced to many terms related to consumer behavior and market research but I don't feel that I could successfully apply anything from this course as it was mostly just definitions of the terms with no other information.

By Sher N L

Jan 29, 2018

What had the professor taught sometimes contradicts with the information provided in the slide and this leads to confusion among students, of which I think the videos published should go for double checking before it is being published. Also, the quiz done at the end does not provide us with the correct answers when we got it done wrongly.

By Ines M D S

Mar 7, 2018

There is a lot of information that is covered at a high level. Instructor's English was average, meaning that there was a lot of sentences that did not add any value to the course content.

The course could be scripted, to ensure that more meaningful information is provided for each video.

External reading wasn't very helpful for course

By A K M M R

Apr 13, 2020

Course content is good but please change the instructor. Terrible delivery. Just regurgitates text book information without explaining the concepts on a human level. Doesn't have clear idea about what he's talking about. And please fix the quiz questions, riddled with false answers and spelling mistakes

By Abhinav A

Feb 25, 2017

The professor does not pronounce the words correctly. His English grammar is bad. The terms used are too difficult to understand and way of teaching is too complicated. The PPTs are full of errors and too direct, there is no continuity. I hardly learnt anything from this video.

By John A

Jan 7, 2021

Material is elementary. Provides vocabulary and a theoretical framework to marketing concepts and consumer behavior - the "what" - but gives few practical examples or exercises that will help you translate into day-to-day marketing activities.

By K R K

Jun 10, 2020

Course is too much oriented towards research papers and lacks any practical aspect. There should be some exercise which can actually help the learner to learn practical usage of the learnings and can apply in a real/hypothetical situation.

By Snehil R

Aug 30, 2016

This course needs alot more examples, especially where the statistical tools come into play. It would better to separate consumer behaviour and market research, as different courses. Basically, too much theory and too little practice.

By Sander F

Mar 23, 2024

This has very little to do with market research sadly. The content taught was shallow and sometimes vague. the course felt unstructured too and ended pretty abruptly with a video on data science which was way too short for the topic.

By Kirti R

May 11, 2020

The concepts/topics covered were interesting but the professor is not very engaging. The content and the visuals are dull - can be made more informative!

Should include questions from reading material as well in the graded exams.

By Sherley V I

Aug 8, 2020

the course is uncomplete in topics, the teacher says he will have a clip about certain things that are never teached during the 4 weeks. The ideas are all mixed up and rarely give a direct definition or concept about things