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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Getting Started with Go by University of California, Irvine

2,287 ratings

About the Course

Learn the basics of Go, an open source programming language originally developed by a team at Google and enhanced by many contributors from the open source community. This course is designed for individuals with previous programming experience using such languages as C, Python, or Java, and covers the fundamental elements of Go. Topics include data types, protocols, formats, and writing code that incorporates RFCs and JSON. Most importantly, you’ll have a chance to practice writing Go programs and receive feedback from your peers. Upon completing this course, you'll be able to implement simple Go programs, which will prepare you for subsequent study at a more advanced level....

Top reviews


Apr 4, 2020

Great intro. If you already know the basics, you probably don't need this course though. Not much of a deep dive, more of a "skim the surface" type course. Week 4 on IO was the most beneficial for me.


Oct 23, 2020

Very detailed, nice introduction to golang's basic concepts. Might need to google to find better ways to handle some requirements of the assignments, but overall a cool programming language to learn.

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1 - 25 of 569 Reviews for Getting Started with Go

By Donguk L


Jan 23, 2019

I think it would have been more convinient if the coding assigntments were graded automatically.

By Alec J


May 18, 2019

I like the instructor, and the material was certainly worthwhile, but I do have some constructive criticism. 1. There were too many typos in the lecture slides. Spending my time debugging the professor's code strikes me as counterproductive. 2. There are a lot of things you have to look up on your own in order to complete the assignments. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but the instructor could be clear about this at the outset. 3. The whole peer-grading scheme is ridiculous. If I went to my local university, took a course, and the professor said "you all have to grade each others' assignments," I'd be righteously upset about this. I don't see why the Coursera platform is inherently that much different so as to justify this absurd practice. Why should I trust that the other students are equipped and responsible enough to grade anything, particularly something they're learning at the same time as me?

By Igor K


Nov 6, 2018

I would not recommend this course. It has many syntax errors. Assessments often rely on a subjects which are not explained yet. Assessments have misleading descriptions. Does not worth your money.

By Lorenzo N


Jun 16, 2019

Very, very basic. They say the course is for people with knows other programming languages, but the expected knowledge is very low. For example, a very long explanation about variable scope is for absolute beginners. If you are proficient in any other language like C, C# or Java, you have listened to this explanation N-times in your life and the course is probably too slow paced for you.

By Hugh S


Jun 1, 2020

some of the best, clearest, easiest to understand explanations I've ever come across. Other computer science instructors should do this course. not for them to learn Go, but to learn how to explain.

By Ariel Y


Dec 18, 2018

Very shallow. Only the bare basics are covered. Some embarrassing errors in the code presented in the lectures.

Nice as an intro for a complete novice, who has just bare minimum programming experience. Otherwise - for a paid course - doesn't worth the time nor the money.

By Kruti D P


May 20, 2020

Worst course I have ever taken. If not for the certificate I would not have taken this course. Lots of syntax errors and utterly stupid peer reviews. If you want to actually learn something go to youtube or see actual documentation

By Carlos E C M


Apr 9, 2019

Good intro to golang basics, if you are not familiar with golang this would be a nice course for you.

Things to consider if you're paying for this course: The topics are very basic, slides may contain some typos, the video lectures are not updated so erros may be there for a while, the course staff do not respond in the forums, its a peer graded course and many people complain about it, I found myself a little dissapointed about it.

By John G


Jul 29, 2019

The video instruction is very superficial.

For example, in the video on variables, the instructor says something like, "the Go garbage collector is fast, and that's all you need to worry about." I disagree. The details of garbage collection are important factors in understanding if a language is appropriate for a particular use case, especially when performance and throughput matter.

I would expect a more thorough discussion of the implementation of the language in a course provided by a major university.

By Chenzhe X


Oct 7, 2018

Too much typos in the codes, misleading in some cases

By Andreas M


Nov 4, 2019

Love it! Not only is the subject really interesting, but Prof Harris is really good in teaching programming in a nonchalant way, almost like a good buddy sitting next to you at the coffee table, teaching you how to code.

I definitely recommend this course!

By John P


Apr 5, 2020

Great intro. If you already know the basics, you probably don't need this course though. Not much of a deep dive, more of a "skim the surface" type course. Week 4 on IO was the most beneficial for me.

By Balys A


Sep 15, 2019

Loved the lecturer!

By Sajid A


Mar 5, 2021

A very good course for intermediate GO learners. I won't recommend this course to absolute beginners, It will be very helpful if you learn some basics of the GO language before taking the course

By Rob S


Dec 13, 2018

The material and pace are good. My only complaint is with the peer review grading system. I've taken other courses (Odersky's Scala series) where grading is automated by unit tests. Given Golang's high reliance on testing in practice, that would seem to be a much better approach here.

By David L


Jun 16, 2019


Not an intermediate course, more like a beginner course for me. Too much background info which is not go related eg concurrency/parallelism explaination

Examples are not good: bad variable and function names, non-practical or even confusing/misleading


Important topics are covered, explainations are ok (but could be better)

By 김민기


Nov 27, 2018

assignment requirement is not clear.there is wrong syntax in video.

By Andrew N


Oct 23, 2020

Very detailed, nice introduction to golang's basic concepts. Might need to google to find better ways to handle some requirements of the assignments, but overall a cool programming language to learn.

By Werner B


Feb 1, 2020

A very good start, you really get the desire to continue.

At some other courses (e.g. from a big cloud provider) you have seen enough after the first videos...

Ian Harris is simply a great speaker!

By Amy G


May 9, 2020

Great introduction. The instructor explains basic concepts really well and to the right amount of depth. I wish there are moderators that are more on top of questions raised in discussion.

By sudhanshu p


Apr 2, 2019

One of best course i encountered for teaching a new programming languages.

People with none C programming background may feel trouble but with some effort you can easily catch up.

By Dhiraj J


Sep 21, 2019

It's wonderful Course to get started with Golang.

Assignments and Quiz are extremely helpful to practice and enhance the knowledge.

I strongly recommend to enrol this course.

By Murali M


Oct 16, 2019

Great videos and lecturer.

Simple to understand the concepts

By David S D


Jan 18, 2019

I am writing this after having actually completed all three courses in this series. I would rate all of them well. The instructor is fine for me, but there is an occasional error in his slides. But the selection of material was good and the tests and homework were also fine.

The one thing that was disappointing to me is the peer to peer grading format of the course programming exercises. Apparently there are not a large number of students taking these courses and so I sometimes had to wait days to get feedback and grades for my assignments. I actually finished the 3rd course before I had the last programming assignment from the 2nd course graded.

It was annoying enough that I might well shy away from taking courses with peer grading in the future.

On balance, though I have to say I enjoyed all three of these courses and I definitely leave them behind a better Go programmer than I was before.

By Alessandro L


Feb 8, 2019

The instruction of some of the tasks could have been more clear and less ambiguous (e.g a String of 20 characters on Week 4 task).