May 6, 2022
I found this course to be very informative in the basics of the field data analyst but I have taken other courses in data analysis/ science and therefore I don't know if I am biased by my experience.
May 13, 2022
I really love how they explain concepts about data, share experience , easy to understand and improved my foundation about data. The assignments and quizzes really helped me in undestanding the course
By shivangini c
•Feb 10, 2024
Explained everything in detailed and took the course in a very simple way.
By Georgy S
•Oct 30, 2023
Very good for the start and basic understanding of the job of Data Analyst
By Erick O O
•Oct 26, 2023
so far so good and why certificate does not contain the name of candidate?
By Naeem S
•Oct 25, 2023
The best tutors, the best content, the best learning strategy. wonderful.
By adina .
•Oct 7, 2023
It was amazing, easy to follow, gave me a great overview and a great start
By حسن ع ا
•Oct 7, 2023
شكرا على هذه الدورة الرائعة, ارجو ان تترجم للغة العربية لتحقق استفادة أكبر
By Chuck S
•Oct 4, 2023
Great primer on Data Analytics and what it takes to become a data analyst.
By Sabbir A
•Oct 1, 2023
Excellent course. Well structured. Very beginner level. Superb instructors
By Shivam P
•Sep 19, 2023
very good course for a beginner who want to start career in data analytics
By Nancy W K
•Sep 18, 2023
Good pace, lots of opportunities to learn and different ways to reinforce.
By Sandram P
•Sep 13, 2023
A great course that teaches to verify facts before drawing any conclusions
By Hany N
•Sep 10, 2023
Thanks Coursera for this course , will help me to more developments
By precious n
•Sep 9, 2023
Insightful, all level friendly, great cadence, engaging and comprehensive!
By Cente A S
•Sep 6, 2023
Very good for beginners and a well start in your career as a data analyst.
By Natividad, L F
•Aug 30, 2023
In-depth explanation. Very comprehensive especially for beginners like me.
By Sarwar A A
•Jul 30, 2023
It was a great course and have provided me a lot a lot valuable knowledge.
By Douglas W (
•Jul 26, 2023
I liked it :) Thanks google and Coursera. I liked the trainers enthusiasm.
By Joel M M C
•Jun 7, 2023
Very good introduction to data analysis if you want to explore a new area.
By kolawole o
•May 30, 2023
Fantastic experience so far and looking forward to another wonderful time.
By Joanna W
•Apr 1, 2023
Great course. The pace of it, difficulty level, and length was just right.
By Augusto W
•Mar 21, 2023
Really insightful, I'd appreciated the given chance to finish this course.
By teja p
•Jan 20, 2023
Excellent Understanding, User Friendly Interface Which Provides Cloud Labs
By Onas K
•Jan 7, 2023
instructor was on point. Great work. This courses add a lot of value to me
By Md. R I
•Dec 17, 2022
The course was very good for clear understanding of data analysis process.
By Deleted A
•Dec 15, 2022
This is a very good basic training. I think it's perfect for refreshing.
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