
Neil Morris



Neil Morris is Chair of Educational Technology, Innovation and Change in the School of Education and the Interim Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Digital Transformation at the University of Leeds. He is a National Teaching Fellow, and has won a number of national awards for teaching excellence. Neil has a research background in neuroscience and has active research in educational technology, online learning and blended learning. He has published widely on the impact of blended learning, online learning and mobile technologies on student learning and engagement. He is the co-author of Study Skills Connected, a successful textbook on using technology effectively to enhance learning (Palgrave MacMillan), and Studying a MOOC: a guide (Palgrave MacMillan). Neil is co-lead educator on the FutureLearn online courses Blended Learning Essentials with Prof. Diana Laurillard, a project funded by the Ufi Charitable Trust. For more info, visit