Elena Ferrari is a full professor of Computer Science at the University of Insubria, Italy where she leads the STRICT SociaLab. She received her Ph.D and M.Sc. degree in Computer Science from the University of Milano (Italy). Her research interests are in the broad area of cybersecurity, privacy, and trust. Her research projects aim at creating technologies enabling efficient and effective data sharing without sacrificing privacy or security. She has done extensive research in a variety of application domains, ranging from social networks, to relational and NoSql databases, cloud and service computing, workflow management systems, emergency management, and Iot ecosystems. Current research includes security and privacy for Big Data and Iot, access control, machine learning for cybersecurity, risk analysis, blockchain, and secure social media. Prof. Ferrari has published several books and more than 270 papers in international journals and conference proceedings. She has received several awards, including the 2009 IEEE Technical Achievement Award for pioneering contributions to Secure Data Management, the ACM CODASPY Research Award for lasting and innovative research contributions to the cybersecurity and privacy fields (2019), the ACM SACMAT 10 Year Test of Time Award (2019), an IBM Faculty Award (2014), and a Google Research Award (2010). She was elected an ACM Distinguished Scientist in 2011 and became an IEEE Fellow in 2012 for her research contribution to security and privacy for data and applications. In 2019, she has been named ACM fellow for contributions to security and privacy of data and social network systems. Prof. Ferrari currently serves as associate editor in chief of IEEE Internet Computing. She is associate editor for the ACM Transactions on Data Science, ACM Transactions on Data Privacy and Security, IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, Data Science and Engineering, and the International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems. She is the chair of the steering committee of the ACM Symposium on Access Control Models and Technologies (ACM SACMAT) and has been the PC chair of several major conferences in the data management and security/privacy fields (e.g., ACM SACMAT, IEEE ICDE, ICWS, SCC, ACM/IEEE ASONAM). She has also repeatedly served on the program committees of all major data management conferences (including ACM SIGMOD, VLDB, ACM CCS, IEEE ICDE, and ACM KDD). She has delivered several invited keynotes talks on data security and privacy and has given invited tutorials on many Ph.D. schools. Prof. Ferrari’s has led several research projects in the last years, ranging from social network privacy and Iot, to online privacy, critical infrastructure protection, and many more. Projects have been funded by several companies and institutions, including EU Commission, Google, IBM, and the Italian Ministry for University and Research. Elena Ferrari also extensively promotes cybersecurity and privacy to women and has supervised numerous female PhD students. In 2018, she has been named one of the 50 most influential Italian women in tech.