Roberto Dumas Damas, M.Sc., CFA With more than 25 years of experience in the international and domestic financial market, Dumas worked in several institutions such as UBS, Citigroup, and Lloyds Bank. Until recently he was the Chief Representative (Banker) of Banco Itaú BBA in Shanghai for four years and former secondee of the New Development Bank (BRIC´s bank) associated with the Ministry of Finance (Brazil). Dumas holds a Master's degree in Economics from the University of Birmingham (UK) a Master's degree in Chinese economy from Fudan University (China), and a Charter Financial Analyst designation (CFA). He has been a professor of international macroeconomics since 1995 in several Universities and Business Schools in Brazil and abroad such as FIA Business Schoool, INSPER, China Europe International Business School (CEIBS), and Fudan University (China). Member of the Chinese Academy of Social Science (CASS – Brazilian Studies Center). He is a writer of the books “Crises Econômicas Internacionais” and “Economia Chinesa – Transformações, rumos e necessidade de rebalanceamento do modelo econômico da China”.