
Dr. Bill Brantley works in the U.S. Navy Inspector General Office as a Senior Training Specialist, leading the project to build the Office’s first learning portal for nearly 1,000 employees in the enterprise. He has been a program manager for the Emerging Leader Program and Supervisor Certificate Program at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. He also managed the Executive Coaching and Career Coaching Programs. Dr. Brantley was awarded the 2019 Emerging Training Leader by Training Magazine and is an IPMA-HR SCP, a Certified Professional in Talent Development, an ROI-certified professional, a certified data scientist, and a Certified Professional in Training Management. In addition, he is a certified Project Management Professional, a certified agile project manager, an accredited professional in business analysis, and is certified in Disciplined Agile. He has completed over 200 hours of coaching training from the Neuroleadership Institute, the American Confidence Institute, emotional intelligence coaching, and the Global Team Coaching Institute. Dr. Brantley is an adjunct faculty member for the University of Louisville (20+ years) and the University of Maryland (8+ years). He is the author of the Persuasive Project Manager (2019) and Four Scenarios for the Future of the Federal Government (2019). Dr. Brantley has also created nine award-winning Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) on project management communication and digital transformation for the University of Maryland’s Project Management Center for Excellence. His courses have nearly ten thousand students worldwide.