
Sara Lopes

Instituto Politécnico de Leiria, Portugal


Sara Mónico Lopes has a degree (FCSH-UNL) and a PhD in anthropology (ISCTE-IUL). She is an Assistant Professor at the School of Education and Social Sciences of the Polytechnic of Leiria. She is a researcher at the Centre for Studies in Education and Innovation (CI&DEI) and collaborator at the CICS.NOVA.IPLeiria. Her scientific and teaching activity focuses on the fields of anthropology, research methodologies, continuing education, inclusion and intergenerationality. She has collaborated in several research projects, funded and not funded, has participated in national and international scientific events and has published in Portuguese and foreign books and journals. She is experienced in working with communities and different publics, from an anthropological perspective of communication and intervention in contexts of diversity.