Prof. Lee earned a Ph.D. at Stanford University in 1985 and served at NASA Ames Research Center between 1985 and 1987. In 1988, he got a faculty position at the Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST). In 2012, he founded and served as general chair of the 1st Asian/Australian Rotorcraft Forum. From 2015 to 2017, he held a position as VP of the American Helicopter Society. He is currently VP of the Korean Drone Industry Promotion Association. His free online lecture on K-MOOC, “Understanding of Helicopter Flights; Limits and Challenges”, is popular among students and engineers in that field. He was invited to Boeing, Max Planck Institute, and Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden to solve the jet/fan noise problem and study the man/machine interface. He tries to find out the cause of and solution to human cognitive errors, which interfere with controlling the machine. He suffered from severe claustrophobia, and through the practice of meditation he could identify and remove the root cause of this condition. He has ever since devoted himself to scientifically studying the principles and effects of meditation in order to heighten the general public’s awareness of the importance of meditation. He provided gave two humanistic education courses “Now is the turning point of your life” and “Pursuing and recovering human nature” at KAIST. He provided the humanistic education courses “Now is the turning point of your life” and “Pursuing and recovering human nature” at KAIST. He wrote a series of seven articles, published in the “Science of Mind” section of the Korean journal “Science Dong-A”. Since then, he has been is working on developing and teaching education for human completion and school meditation as president of Academic Society for Human Completion. He gives speeches on how to succeed in the 4th industrial revolution.