Dr. Vincent Chung is one of the few scholars with research spanning across health service, public health, and policy aspects of Integrative Medicine. He envisions evidence-based integration of conventional and complementary healthcare by promoting rigorous research, policy advocacy, and quality education locally, nationally, and internationally. He has published more than seventy-three academic publications in leading journals including the Canadian Medical Association Journal, Social Science & Medicine, and the Journal of Ethnopharmacology, among others. He has obtained eight research and knowledge translation grants as principal investigator, with a sum of more than HKD$ 2.8 million. He serves as co-investigator on eighteen grants on a wide range of health services and health policy research projects. He is Associate Editor for BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine and Advances in Integrative Medicine, and serves as Editorial Board Member of the European Journal of Integrative Medicine, Complementary Therapies in Medicine, and Scientific Reports. He served as the co-guest editor of two special issues in Evidence-based Complementary & Alternative Medicine. He is currently a Visiting Research Fellow at the Australian Research Centre for Complementary and Integrative Medicine, University of Technology Sydney, Australia. With experience in both health services and policy research, he served as a consultant for the WHO Western Pacific Regional Office in formulating strategy for using traditional and complementary medicine for promoting healthy aging, as well as an observer in the development process of WHO Traditional Medicine Strategy. He has delivered nine invited presentations and lectures on policy and research on Integrative Medicine at international conferences and to governmental bodies. Active in translating knowledge about integrative medicine to the public, he has been featured or interviewed in various newspaper articles in recent years.