朱士維博士在2004年於台灣大學光電所取得博士學位,在2006年回到台灣大學物理系擔任助理教授,在2010年成為副教授,並在2014年成為教授。他的研究專長在生醫光學影像技術開發,光譜技術與雷射物理等方面。目前已經發表超過40篇國際期刊學術文章,超過200篇國內外會議論文,並擁有六個相關專利。Dr. Shi-Wei Chu is an expert in the field of laser physics, optical spectroscopy, and biomedical imaging applications. He received his PhD degree in 2004 in the Graduate Institute of Photonics and Optoelectronics at National Taiwan University, Taiwan. In 2006, he became an assistant professor in the Department of Physics at National Taiwan University, and has been promoted to associate professor in 2010. As one of the the notable scholars in the field of optical microscopy, he has published more than 40 peer-reviewed articles, and filed 6 patents.