Shannon Drew, MD is Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at the Yale School of Medicine who has experience in teaching medical school students, residents, and addiction fellows. She helped create the substance use disorders (SUD) clinical rotation for second year psychiatry residents, co-created and co-teaches the PGY-1 course on substance use disorders, and is currently creating a curriculum on Addiction for internal medicine, family practice, and nurse practitioner residents in the Center of Excellence at the VA. Additionally, she has been asked to create a course on Addiction and Psychoanalysis to offer at the Western New England Institute of Psychoanalysis for their continuing education program. Shannon teaches the annual lecture on substance use disorders to the Yale medical students and the annual lecture to Yale psychiatry residents on the pharmacotherapy for addiction. She has coordinated and led numerous ‘Half and Half’ courses for physicians, a DEA-requirement to obtain waiver to prescribe buprenorphine for opioid use disorder.