Sarah Meister became a Curator at The Museum of Modern Art in 2009, having joined the Department of Photography in 1997. Her recent exhibitions include From Bauhaus to Buenos Aires: Grete Stern and Horacio Coppola (2015; co-curator), Modern Photographs from the Thomas Walther Collection, 1909–1949 (2014-15; co-curator), Nicholas Nixon: Forty Years of The Brown Sisters (2014); Walker Evans American Photographs, 75th anniversary (2013-14), Bill Brandt: Shadow and Light (2013) and Eugène Atget: “Documents pour artistes” (2012). Meister contributes to and edits a variety of Museum and external publications including most recently Photography at MoMA: 1960 to Now (2015) and two collaborations with Maira Kalman and Daniel Handler, Hurry Up and Wait (2015) and Girls Standing on Lawns (2014). Many of her favorite MoMA photographs are featured in this course including (but not limited to!) work by Diane Arbus, Iñaki Bonillas, Lee Friedlander, Katy Grannan, Zoe Leonard, Susan Meiselas, Vik Muniz, Nicholas Nixon, Martha Rosler, Cindy Sherman, Hank Willis Thomas, Carleton Watkins, and snapshots given by Peter J. Cohen. She holds an AB in Art History from Princeton University, with honors, and is a recipient of the Lee Tenenbaum Award for outstanding research and scholarship. Sarah Meister 自2009起担任现代艺术博物馆的策展人,她于1997年加入摄影部。 她近期策划的展览包括《从包豪斯到布宜诺斯艾利斯(From Bauhaus to Buenos Aires):《Grete Stern 和 Horacio Coppola》(2015; 联合策展人),《Thomas Walther 摄影收藏展,1909–1949》(2014-15; 联合策展人),《Nicholas Nixon》:《布朗姐妹的四十年》(Forty Years of The Brown Sisters) (2014);《Walker Evans 美国摄影作品展,75周年纪念》 (2013-14),《Bill Brandt》: 《光与影》 (2013) 和 《Eugène Atget》:《艺术家们的文献》(2012)。 Meister 撰写并编辑了大量馆内资料与外部出版物,包括最近出版的《现代艺术博物馆藏的摄影收藏》:《1960 至今》 (2015);以及与 Maira Kalman 和 Daniel Handler 合作出版的:《赶快与等等》(2015)和《站在草坪上的女孩》 (2014) 。 她最爱的许多MoMA照片在此课程里都有特别介绍,其中包括(但不限于!): Diane Arbus、Iñaki Bonillas、Lee Friedlander、Katy Grannan、Zoe Leonard、Susan Meiselas、Vik Muniz、Nicholas Nixon、Martha Rosler、Cindy Sherman、Hank Willis Thomas、Carleton Watkins 的作品,以及 Peter J. Cohen 提供的快照。 她从普林斯顿大学获得艺术史荣誉学士学位,,还获得过表彰杰出研究和学术成就的Lee Tenenbaum奖。