
张铭,北京大学信息科学技术学院教授,ACM Education Council惟一的中国委员兼任中国ACM教育专委会主席。自1984年考入北京大学,分别获得学士、硕士和博士学位。研究方向为文本挖掘、社会网络分析等,目前主持国家自然科学基金和教育部博士点基金两项在研项目,合作发表学术论文100多篇(不乏KDD、AAAI、TKDE等A类会议和期刊),出版学术专著1部,获软件著作权6项,获发明专利3项。主编多部教材,其中2部教材为国家“十一五”规划教材,《数据结构与算法》获北京市精品教材奖并得到国家“十二五”规划教材支持。发表教学论文16篇,主持的“数据结构与算法”被评选为国家级和北京市级精品课程。

Ming Zhang received her Bachelor, master and PhD degrees in Computer Science from Peking University respectively. She is a full professor at the School of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science, Peking University. Prof. Zhang is a member of ACM Education Council and the Chair of ACM China Education Committee. She has published more 100 research papers on Text Mining and Social Computing in the top journals and conferences, such as TKDE, KDD, AAAI, WWW, ICDM and CIKM. Prof. Zhang is the leading author of several textbooks on Data Structures and Algorithms in Chinese, and the corresponding course is awarded as the National Elaborate Course by MOE China.