Marco Brambilla is full professor at Politecnico di Milano. He is active in research and innovation, both at industrial and academic level. His research interests include data science, software modeling languages and design patterns, crowdsourcing, social media monitoring, and big data analysis. He has been visiting researcher at CISCO, San Josè, and University of California, San Diego. He has been visiting professor at Dauphine University, Paris. He is founder of the startup Fluxedo, focusing on social media analysis and Social engagement, and of the company WebRatio, devoted to software modeling tools for Web, Mobile and Business Process based software applications. He is author of various international books and research articles in journals and conferences, with over 200 papers. He was awarded various best paper prizes and gave keynotes and speeches at many conferences and organisations. He runs research projects on data science and industrial projects on data-driven innovation and big data. He is the main author of the OMG standard IFML. He participated in several European and international research projects. He has been reviewer of FP7 projects and evaluator of EU FP7 proposals, as well as of national and local government funding programmes throughout Europe. He is PC chair and member of several conferences and workshops, he organized several workshops and conference tracks so far, and he has been reviewer for many scientific journals. He is associate editor of SIGMOD Records, Journal of Web Engineering, and Advances in Human-Computing Interactions.