Maarten Weyn received his Ph.D. in Computer Science on the topic of Opportunistic Seamless Localization from the University of Antwerp, Belgium. He is an Assistant Professor at the University of Antwerp, currently teaching the 3rd year bachelor courses Mobile Communication and Master courses Communication Systems, and Ambient Intelligent IoT Systems in the department of Applied Sciences: Electronics-ICT. Is is responsible for the Ambient Environments team project of the postgraduate innovative entrepreneurship of the Flemish Universities. His research in the iMinds-MOSAIC research group focuses on ultra-low power sensor communication and embedded systems, sub 1-Ghz communication, sensor processing and localization. Most of his projects are in close collaboration with industry. He is the co-founder of the spin-off AtSharp, involved in the creation of the spin-offs 1OK and Viloc, director of the Dash7 Alliance, IARIA Fellow and initiator of the Open Source Stack OSS-7.