
Heike Schädler

Executive Director


Heike Schädler holds a degree in Social Pedagogy from the University of Baden-Württemberg (Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg) and is a qualified systemic consultant (SG). Heike has worked in different fields in social welfare, so she is widely experienced in pedagogical work in a residential home for girls, establishing and leading single-bedded residential homes for teenagers in crisis who have intensive needs and wouldn’t be able to cope with usual residential homes or psychiatric institutions. Having worked in a women’s shelter for domestic violence victims, Heike also was an Executive Director of a residential home for homeless women and women suffering from mental health issues. She is currently executive director of KOMPASS gGmbH in northern Germany and KJSH. Heike is responsible for different teams doing social space orientated work with families within their communities, several residential homes for children and teenager and two residential homes for adults with addictive disorders in combination with mental health problems.