Ge Gao is Assistant Professor and Principle Investigator at the Center for Bioinformatics, School of Life Science, Peking University. The Center for Bioinformatics at Peking University is the first bioinformatics center in China and also the first to offer Ph.D. degrees in bioinformatics. During his decades experience in research and teaching, Dr. Gao's research interest is in developing novel computational technologies to decode developmental regulatory programs. Dr. Gao had won several research and teaching awards including National Outstanding Youth Talents, and Lvye Distinguished Young Biomedical Scientist Award. Dr. Gao received his Ph.D. degree in Bioinformatics from Peking University in 2006 and was among China's first formally trained bioinformatics Ph.D. graduates. Dr. Gao serves as the Deputy Secretary and Executive Committee member of Asia Pacific BioInformatics Network (APBioNET) since 2008.