Learn New Skills with Blockchain Projects

Written by Coursera Staff • Updated on

Explore ideas for blockchain projects, including projects with source code, and the implications this emerging technology has on a variety of industries.

[Featured Image] A man and a women sit at a table together looking at a computer discussing the information for their blockchain project.

While you may be familiar with blockchain and its uses for cryptocurrency, you may be surprised to learn that it also has many other applications. Blockchain is also different from digital currencies, such as the national currency proposed by the RBI. Blockchain technology has real-world applications in a wide variety of industries. 

A blockchain project is a great way to get hands-on experience with this technology. Explore how blockchain is used across different industries, then discover blockchain projects you can do, regardless of your current skill level. 

Practical applications of blockchain

Blockchain has received much media attention for its uses in fintech, such as powering cryptocurrency and immutable ledgers to make transactions more transparent and safeguard against manipulation. However, a variety of other industries can also benefit from blockchain technology. 

As this technology grows and matures, innovation will likely come in waves. Some industries currently exploring the possibility of blockchain include the Internet of Things, government, healthcare, logistics, and intellectual property. 

Internet of Things (IoT)

IoT technology surrounds us now, monitoring and analysing data in new ways. These connected devices make cybersecurity more difficult for many reasons, including the complexity of the networks they create and the average person’s lack of experience installing strong cybersecurity measures. Blockchain technology is very secure, and integrating it into IoT systems can prevent hacking and other malicious activity. 


Blockchain offers solutions for the government, too. First, blockchain may offer a strong layer of security for elections, strengthening trust in the democratic process. It would also make it much easier for citizens to vote using mobile devices without fear of cybersecurity threats. Blockchain can also hold elected officials accountable and track voting records and other activities. 


The healthcare industry must collect a lot of data to serve patients best. However, managing that data and keeping it secure are challenges for modern healthcare organisations. Blockchain may offer healthcare better solutions for streamlining and protecting patient information. Another potential use for blockchain in the healthcare industry is to manage, organise, and protect data collected from IoT networks in patient care settings. 


The logistics and shipping management industry exchanges a great deal of complicated financial, informational, and physical tracking information. Logistics companies could save time and money if blockchain could introduce a streamlined system for all parties to access the information they need in real time. 

Intellectual property 

Piracy and copyright infringement are two challenges facing the media industry. Blockchain could help maintain transparency about who owns and has access to media and prevent copyright infringement. This could solve the problem of copyright issues while preserving the ability for people to access media in digital formats. 

Blockchain projects with source code

Now that you’ve learned about some of the companies and industries driving blockchain technology, it’s time to explore blockchain projects with source code you can work on yourself. 

Blockchain projects with source code allow you to start experimenting with blockchain solutions without having to understand blockchain so well that you can write the code yourself. They are one way to get hands-on experience in blockchain and learn new skills. Plus, a simple project allows you to work on blockchain skills without investing much time. 

Some of these projects are designed for people without prior blockchain experience. However, the projects at the end of the list require more advanced skills and may take longer to complete. 

  • Hello World: Enter the blockchain world with this beginner-level project. This project interprets the classic “Hello World” tutorial designed for blockchain. You do not need any prior experience to complete this blockchain project. 

  • Introduction to blockchain: Learn introductory blockchain functions. You will create a virtual machine, create a wallet, and run a single-node blockchain.  

  • Simple storage: Create a simple blockchain storage tool. Although this is a simple tool and could work as a project for beginners, the developers include a note to beginners that it's in development and not a finished package.

  • ERC-20 token: Create an ERC-20 token and import it into your crypto wallet with Polygon Testnet. 

  • Multi-node blockchain: Create a more advanced blockchain with this project after you’ve mastered a single-node blockchain. 

  • Vote tutorial: Create a simple poll where people can vote on an issue using blockchain. 

  • Time-lock crypto wallet: This project allows you to put your cryptocurrency in a locked wallet for a set period with this project. 

  • To-do list app: Create an app to manage your daily tasks with blockchain. 

  • NFT: Create your non-fungible tokens (NFTs). Then, list them for sale on an NFT marketplace. 

More blockchain ideas

Blockchain is still an emerging technology, and you can explore many more potential uses, including: 

  • Non-profit transparency: Donations and expenses could be openly shared, providing transparency without sacrificing security. 

  • Loyalty points: If stores offered loyalty points on the blockchain, they could be traded or exchanged like cryptocurrency. 

  • Tracking the source of food: If a Salmonella or other outbreak occurs, blockchain could make it easier to track down contaminated food for disposal. 

  • International money transfers: Blockchain could enable free and accessible international money transfers without going through a middleman. 

  • Reduce medical fraud: Recording medical procedures with a blockchain timestamp would reduce insurance fraud by increasing transparency. 

Learn more about blockchain

There are many paths available to learn more about blockchain. Several options are available online, from individual classes to certifications to advanced degrees like a Master of Computer Science offered by Arizona State University on Coursera.

For credentials to help you advance your career, consider completing courses and Specialisations on blockchain topics, such as the Blockchain Revolution in Financial Services Specialisation, which can help you prepare for a career in the intersection of blockchain and financial technology. Another option is the Decentralised Finance (DeFi): The Future of Finance Specialisation offered by Duke University on Coursera.

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