How Long Does it Take to Learn Python? (+ Tips for Learning)

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The amount of time it takes to learn Python will depend on your goals. Read on for tips on how to maximise your learning.

[Featured image] Two women practice writing Python code on their laptops in a classroom lab setting.

In general, it takes around two to six months to learn the fundamentals of Python. However, you can learn enough to write your first short program in minutes. Mastering Python’s vast array of libraries can take months or years. 

How long it takes to learn Python will depend on several factors, including how much Python you need to know to achieve your desired goal. If you want to learn enough Python to automate a specific task at work, for example, you can likely achieve that more quickly than if you want to learn enough Python to get a job as a data analyst. Some other factors that can influence how quickly you pick up Python include:

  • Your previous programming experience: If you’ve written code before, you may find that you pick up Python more quickly.

  • The learning method you choose: Well-structured courses aligned with your goals can sometimes accelerate your learning.

  • The time you devote to learning: How much time can you devote to learning and practising Python? Generally, it’s a good idea to commit a little time every day.

How long does it take to learn basic Python?

It’s possible to learn the basics of Python in two to six months, though this could be much more or less, depending on how much time you dedicate to learning. For example, the Python for Everybody Specialisation on Coursera typically takes about four months to complete if you’re spending six hours per week on the courses. You could complete the Specialisation in two months if you can dedicate more time, say two hours per day.

In this and many other introductory courses, you might expect to learn the following foundational syntax and elements of Python:

  • Variables and types

  • Object and data structures (strings, integers, floats, etc.)

  • Indexing and slicing

  • Comparison operators

  • For and while loops

  • Functions

  • Lists, dictionaries, and tuples

  • Reading and writing to files

  • Classes and objects

  • Web scraping

  • Application programming interfaces (APIs)

Once you’ve built a foundational knowledge of Python, you can progress your programming skills toward your own unique goals, whether a job as a data analyst or application developer or the ability to automate tasks at work.

How long does it take to master Python?

This depends on what mastery means to you. 

Python holds the top spot in the Tiobe Index for June 2024 [1]. With so many people working on this open-source software, it’s always evolving to include new tools and capabilities. 

Python users can access tens (if not hundreds) of thousands of libraries—sets of useful functions to make coding easier. TensorFlow, for example, can help streamline machine learning programs, while pandas offer access to flexible and responsive data structures. This means that mastering Python is an ongoing process where you learn what you need to know as you need it.

Why learn Python?

Python is widely considered among the easiest programming languages for beginners to learn. If you’re interested in learning a programming language, Python is a good place to start. As you learn, you can take advantage of the robust community of fellow learners and developers and the job opportunities that come with knowing Python.

What can you do with Python?

Python is also very versatile. Since it’s a general-purpose language, Python can be used for a variety of tasks, including:

  • Statistical analysis 

  • Data visualisation

  • Machine learning

  • Task automation or scripting

  • Web and software development

Jobs that use Python

Python is among the world’s most popular programming languages because it’s used across various industries and job roles. By learning to write Python, you can create opportunities for various careers. Some job titles that use Python include:

  • Data analyst: £34,156

  • Backend developer: £47,721

  • Quality assurance engineer: £36,945

  • Python developer: £53,209

  • Full-stack developer: £45,612

  • Data engineer: £47,793

  • Data scientist: £48,659

  • Machine learning engineer: £54,687

*Salary data from Glassdoor represents the UK average annual base pay in September 2024.

Tips for learning Python

While learning a technical skill like programming with Python may sound challenging, it may not be as difficult as you think. Keep these tips to enhance your learning.

Code every day. 

Python is a language, and repetition is key to learning it, just like any other language. Dedicate time every day—even if it’s just 15 minutes—to practice coding. Many online Python courses, including Python for Everybody, are broken up into short video lectures, quizzes, and coding practice exercises. This type of structure can make finding time to learn in your life easier. 

It may also help you learn more efficiently. Learning in small chunks, a technique known as microlearning, improves retention and engagement. 

Start with the fundamentals.

No matter how you plan to use Python in the future, you’ll want to start with the same set of fundamentals. Learning the basics first will set you up for success when tackling more complex uses. Whether you’re learning independently or through a course, cover the fundamentals listed above (See “How long does it take to learn basic Python?”).

Focus on logic over syntax.

Understanding the how and the why of your lines of code in Python is more important than memorising the syntax. 

Remembering to close your parentheses or include a colon before an indent will come with repetition. Plus, you can always look up how to structure your code on Google or Stack Overflow (an online community for programmers). But you’ll need to understand the logic of what you’re trying to accomplish. 

While working through Python coding problems, you may find it helpful to handwrite an outline of what your code needs to do without worrying about syntax. This is called pseudocode—a technique even experienced Python programmers use to plan their programs.

Practice your Python skills with tutorials

Discover step-by-step guides for troubleshooting Python basics like syntax, if-else statements, and exceptions, as well as working with loops in free programming tutorials on Coursera.


Let your goal guide your learning.

Once you’ve built a foundation with the basics, the world of Python opens up. As you progress, it is important to know your goal and let it dictate your learning path. 

For example, if you’re building the skills for a new career as a data analyst, you’ll probably want to learn Python skills like data scraping or visualisation. If you’re more interested in becoming a developer, you may focus on skills like version control and multi-process architecture.

The types of libraries, frameworks, and the integrated development environment (IDE) you learn to work with will also vary based on your career goals. 

Join a Python community.

Instead of learning to code as a solitary activity, surround yourself (virtually, anyway) with others learning Python. This can help boost your motivation while allowing you to swap tips and tricks with other programmers. 

Quora and Reddit both have active Python communities. You could also join PySlackers to meet other Python enthusiasts on Slack or the Python Discord channel.

Get started with Python.

Learning Python can take a few months to years, depending on your goals and dedication. The basics can generally be learned in two to six months, while mastery is ongoing. Python's versatility makes it popular for beginners due to its readability and vast libraries. Following these tips and resources can kickstart your Python learning journey, whether you aim for data analysis, web development, or automation.

If you’re unsure how Python fits your personal and professional goals, consider a broad introductory course like Python for Everybody. If, on the other hand, you’d like to develop your Python skills for a career as a data analyst, consider earning the IBM Data Analyst . You’ll get hands-on experience working with Python, SQL, Excel, and Jupyter notebooks.

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Article sources

  1. Tiobe. “TIOBE Index for June 2024,” Accessed 12 June 12 2024.

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