Business / Management Analyst

If you like analyzing data to identify business trends, solving organizational problems, and working with teams to improve processes this role is for you.

A Business Management Analyst evaluates company operations to identify inefficiencies and recommends strategies to improve productivity, reduce costs, and support decision-making through data analysis and collaboration with business stakeholders.

Skills you’ll need: Detail Oriented, Time Management, Research, Change Management, Business Process, Business Analysis, Microsoft Excel, Communication

$103,296 median salary207,272 jobs available¹

Business / Management Analyst

If you like analyzing data to identify business trends, solving organizational problems, and working with teams to improve processes this role is for you.

A Business Management Analyst evaluates company operations to identify inefficiencies and recommends strategies to improve productivity, reduce costs, and support decision-making through data analysis and collaboration with business stakeholders.

Skills you’ll need: Detail Oriented, Time Management, Research, Change Management, Business Process, Business Analysis, Microsoft Excel, Communication

$103,296 median salary207,272 jobs available¹

Recommended credentials

Roles similar to Business / Management Analyst

  • A Project Manager plans and coordinates projects, ensuring on-time, within-budget delivery while managing resources, risks, and communication.


    A Project Manager plans and coordinates projects, ensuring on-time, within-budget delivery while managing resources, risks, and communication.

    If you like: planning and executing projects, managing resources and timelines, communicating with stakeholders.

    This role has a $103,808 median salary ¹.

    This role has approximately 365,810 jobs available ¹.

  • A Business Intelligence Analyst analyzes and visualizes data to support business decisions, using Tableau and Power BI to drive strategy.


    A Business Intelligence Analyst analyzes and visualizes data to support business decisions, using Tableau and Power BI to drive strategy.

    If you like: interpreting data to support decision-making, creating dashboards and reports, identifying business trends.

    This role has a $125,888 median salary ¹.

    This role has approximately 74,264 jobs available ¹.

  • A Business Analyst analyzes data and processes to identify business needs, providing insights to optimize operations and support strategic decisions.


    A Business Analyst analyzes data and processes to identify business needs, providing insights to optimize operations and support strategic decisions.

    If you like: analyzing data to improve business processes, solving organizational problems, creating reports.

    This role has a $94,592 median salary ¹.

    This role has approximately 89,333 jobs available ¹.

  • An IT Project Manager plans and delivers IT projects on time and within budget, coordinating teams and managing risks to align with business goals.


    An IT Project Manager plans and delivers IT projects on time and within budget, coordinating teams and managing risks to align with business goals.

    If you like: leading technology projects, managing budgets and timelines, coordinating teams.

    This role has a $138,112 median salary ¹.

    This role has approximately 84,120 jobs available ¹.

¹ Median salary and job opening data are sourced from Lightcast™ Job Postings Report. Content Creator, Machine Learning Engineer and Salesforce Development Representative (1/1/2024 - 12/31/2024) All other job roles (3/1/2024 - 3/1/2025)