Business Analyst (general)

If you like analyzing data to improve business processes, solving organizational problems, and creating reports this role is for you.

A Business Analyst identifies business needs through data analysis and process evaluation. They provide actionable insights to optimize operations, enhance efficiency, and support strategic decision-making.

Skills you’ll need: Research, Detail Oriented, Time Management, Requirements Elicitation, Systems Analysis, Business Process, Business Analysis, Microsoft Excel

$94,592 median salary89,333 jobs available¹

Business Analyst (general)

If you like analyzing data to improve business processes, solving organizational problems, and creating reports this role is for you.

A Business Analyst identifies business needs through data analysis and process evaluation. They provide actionable insights to optimize operations, enhance efficiency, and support strategic decision-making.

Skills you’ll need: Research, Detail Oriented, Time Management, Requirements Elicitation, Systems Analysis, Business Process, Business Analysis, Microsoft Excel

$94,592 median salary89,333 jobs available¹

Recommended credentials

Roles similar to Business Analyst (general)

  • A Project Manager plans and coordinates projects, ensuring on-time, within-budget delivery while managing resources, risks, and communication.


    A Project Manager plans and coordinates projects, ensuring on-time, within-budget delivery while managing resources, risks, and communication.

    If you like: planning and executing projects, managing resources and timelines, communicating with stakeholders.

    This role has a $103,808 median salary ¹.

    This role has approximately 365,810 jobs available ¹.

  • A Business Intelligence Analyst analyzes and visualizes data to support business decisions, using Tableau and Power BI to drive strategy.


    A Business Intelligence Analyst analyzes and visualizes data to support business decisions, using Tableau and Power BI to drive strategy.

    If you like: interpreting data to support decision-making, creating dashboards and reports, identifying business trends.

    This role has a $125,888 median salary ¹.

    This role has approximately 74,264 jobs available ¹.

  • A Scrum Master facilitates agile teams, ensures Scrum adherence, removes obstacles, and supports continuous improvement in project delivery.


    A Scrum Master facilitates agile teams, ensures Scrum adherence, removes obstacles, and supports continuous improvement in project delivery.

    If you like: facilitating agile team meetings, removing obstacles, ensuring teams follow scrum practices.

    This role has a $127,744 median salary ¹.

    This role has approximately 13,587 jobs available ¹.

  • A Business Management Analyst analyzes operations, finds inefficiencies, and recommends data-driven strategies to boost productivity and reduce costs.


    A Business Management Analyst analyzes operations, finds inefficiencies, and recommends data-driven strategies to boost productivity and reduce costs.

    If you like: analyzing data to identify business trends, solving organizational problems, working with teams to improve processes.

    This role has a $103,296 median salary ¹.

    This role has approximately 207,272 jobs available ¹.

¹ Median salary and job opening data are sourced from Lightcast™ Job Postings Report. Content Creator, Machine Learning Engineer and Salesforce Development Representative (1/1/2024 - 12/31/2024) All other job roles (3/1/2024 - 3/1/2025)